Friday 23 May 2014

Oh Flower of Scotland...

We have made it to Edinburgh!

I have not brought my laptop - too heavy and not a lot of room (despite my case being twice the size of the others!). Which means I am typing this on my iPod. A horribly time consuming, labourios and frustrating pastime! So this will be short!

I am having a fab time. Have eaten far too much and can't imagine running a distance equivalent to twice round parkrun in the morning! None of us have run the course before and have heard differing stories about how hilly it is.... But as all of us have run at Dewsbury parkrun we are hopeful that it will all be relative and what are hills to some may be slight inclines to those of us who train in West Yorkshire! I have a feeling we may be in for a disappointment!

Not knowing what to expect it is also quite exciting - although I have a suspicion that sisterofmarathongirl750 may disagree with me on that one!  Will just have to see what the morning brings but whatever happens I'm glad I'm here, it's been a great day today and far too long since I was last in Scotland.

M - 718
Distance covered                 0 miles
Total Distance covered    108 miles

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