Friday 9 May 2014

Time to get my arse into gear


This morning was tough... the numbers reading yesterday's blog were high but my request for feedback had not generated the level of response I was hoping for.  Instead of being inundated with comments, by 8 o'clock this morning I had 3 and I think it's fair to say I was feeling rather despondent.

Having studied marketing many, many moons ago, I should have known better than to leave myself in the position of not knowing whether a non response was an objection or tacit support for my plan. (Or perhaps the majority of you are just enjoying your anonymity?!)

C took the pragmatic approach that anyone who knew me would know that I was trustworthy and wouldn't have a problem with it, but the doubts about whether or not this is a good idea were beginning to outweigh the belief that it is, and my internal dialogue on the subject was in full flow - again!

A "Yes!" vote all the way from sunny Spain, followed by one from my friend in Australia and I started to feel more positive, but far from confident!

I generally do a lot of thought processing whilst I am out walking the dogs and today was no exception. Battling against the wind and driving rain I decided that it really isn't about what everyone else thinks, the person who needs to believe I can do this is ME - time to have the courage of my convictions.  After all what is the worst that can happen? That I fail? At least I will have tried.

Another "Yes!" arrives this afternoon, and I'm ready to believe this could work.  I am nervous and more than a little daunted by the task ahead - BUT I AM GOING TO GO FOR IT! Watch this space!

Today also saw my second visit to the Biomechanics Coach.  Sisterofmarathongirl 750 you will be relieved to hear that my pelvis has now realigned and I have to stop doing the exercises (that I did make the time to do) to see if it will hold.  Time to address the next issue - my back is doing the work that my butt should be doing - time to work those glutes! Oh joy!

Talking to C this morning he did suggest that there was another way to secure my place... I could run as an elite athlete - surprised no one else mentioned it!

M - 732
Distance covered                 3 miles (walk)
Total distance covered   70.2  miles

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