Thursday 15 May 2014

Thank you!

Today wouldn't have been the same without you!

I have had another good day - yes that's two in a row!

My friend who is going to Edinburgh to run the 10K with me next week came round this morning and we went for a five and half mile run along the Greenway with Dougal.  (A nice steady conversational pace is a much more civilised way to run!) It is the same friend with whom I put the world to rights on my birthday and today is no different! In fact our day followed a very similar pattern, ending up with a hour spent sat on the bench contemplating life in the sunshine.

Today's topic being personal best's and how they are a culmination of so many things more than just the ability to run faster. Consequently we agree that it is futile to chase your PB, that it will happen when the time is right, before both going on to acknowledge that we will ignore this fact come Saturday!

I felt good after my run, it is the longest I have done in a while and I am pleased that my knees aren't hurting too much.  I am hoping this is because I have taken the increments in distance slowly this time, and have all fingers crossed that it might mean next time I go to see the Biomechanics Coach he will change my exercises! I don't like my current ones.  One of them involves lying face down with my leg bent at 90 degrees whilst I try and manoeuvre a tennis ball along my inside leg.  It is not a pretty sight and leaves me feeling particularly inept as the tennis ball invariably rolls out mid exercise or alternatively with my very best effort I realise I have only managed to move it a couple of inches!

The other good thing about today has been the increased traffic on my FB page! I have previously mentioned my stance on the outside world being given all day access to infiltrate our home life, but there are times when I just love it! Today has been one of those days!

My Facebook friends are a small group of carefully selected family and friends with whom I wish to share snapshots of my life, and I am genuinely touched that so many of you have made the journey from my personal page to that of my alias! Thank you!

You are an eclectic bunch of people, old friends with whom I have a shared history spanning back many years, friends reunited after losing touch, extended family now able to keep in touch on a much more regular basis and new friends with whom I share my current life.  In terms of my running buddies, it makes me smile to know that my partner with whom I won the Scotch Horses race with when I was five, my old adversary from the 100 metres when I was twelve (although I think we won a three legged race together at one point!), and fellow parkrunners from my forties are somehow now linked.

(There are also people reading who I don't know, but have chosen to dip into this part of my life for a day, or the entire journey, thank you too.)

Having a new FB page to administer has kept me busy all day, checking to see how many 'likes' I have accrued, I have nineteen at time of writing, looking to see with interest which ones of my friends are on board, wondering who the two people are who have liked my page but aren't my FB friends....

I don't know how many of my remaining friends will make the transition to my new page, and I have no idea what the rate for new recruits is likely to be, but somehow I can't see it matching today's peak. Still for a day at least it was like a whole new world had opened up.

I think tomorrow is going to be quite dull by comparison!

M - 726
Distance covered             5.6 miles
Total Distance covered  91.8 miles

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