Saturday 24 May 2014

Edinburgh 10K

Race Day

6.45am I couldn't get to sleep, I couldn't stay asleep, what sleep I did get was spent having nightmares about running disasters! I have tried for the past hour to practise my breathing exercises in an attempt to calm down but couldn't concentrate on more than three deep breaths in a row. I am dehydrated but if I drink anything now I will need to wee whilst I'm running. The only plus side to this anxiety is that I am a stone lighter than I went to sleep (but am hoping that that will have stopped by the time the only option left is a portaloo). And all this for a race I'm not bothered about!

Not long after writing the above it was time to get up which is when I learnt three very important pre race lessons
1. Stop taking it so seriously everyone else had had a good night's sleep
2. Pack for all weather conditions even if the forecast says it is going to be nice
3. Don't under any circumstances forget your sports bra

Standing in my running kit, in a bin bag, waiting for a vacant portaloo in the rain I couldn't help but wonder why I was there...

The course was hilly. It was a long way up and an even longer way down which meant we had to come back up again as it finished where it began. The slow incline around the 7K mark was a killer and I spent a lot of the run vowing to knit for Barnardo's instead!
But a huge adrenaline rush on the home straight, a high five from a spectator on the way, a time of 49 minutes 43 and I can relax at last - I don't have to do that again!

M - 717
Distance covered              6.2 miles
Total Distance covered  116.2 miles

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