Sunday 11 May 2014


My life is turning into a long list of apparently necessary adjustments!

I am not getting enough sleep - the combination of going to bed late and then waking up too early is beginning to take it's toll and as a result I decided not to run today.

On the one hand I am pleased with myself for putting a little of what I was saying yesterday into practise and listening to what my body is telling me, on the other hand I missed heading out to enjoy the open road and the quiet that only a Sunday morning brings - although it was nice to catch up with the Sunday morningers on FB after two weeks absence!

It also meant that Al and I got to spend a Sunday morning together for a change and ticked off today's 5K by walking the dogs.  The weather wasn't great but it was good to be out and we were happily moseying along enjoying each others company when foolishly I decided to share my plans for the day.  They didn't amount to much, I had four jobs that I wanted to tick off (I've done three) but almost as soon as I'd verbalised them my mood changed as I started to panic that I wouldn't have time to get them done.  I got cross that we weren't going to get back until lunchtime, frustrated that walking 5K across the fields takes so much longer than running, angry that I hadn't just ignored my aching ankles and gone out for a run first thing, as then I could have been at home getting on with my jobs instead of being out walking.

Al is definitely a husband of the long suffering variety - we may have been married for less than six years, but he's known me for just short of thirty six - and has long since learned to expect (and how best to endure) my mood swings!

I have the infuriating habit of letting my thoughts sway my mood.  I am particularly adept at this and can derail even the nicest of days (so heaven help me when I'm ten miles from home with only my feet and determination to bring me home!).

I know I shouldn't and it is yet another hurdle to overcome, but the vast array of self help books and very existence of Life Coaches are testament to the fact that reprogramming this particular trait is far from easy!

So perhaps just acknowledging it will do for today!

M - 730
Distance covered                  3 miles
Total distance covered     76.2 miles

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