Friday 30 May 2014

Up and running

But not quite in need of a Blue Peter style totaliser yet!

My first cards sold just as I was publishing last night's blog (thank you PM for getting the ball rolling!) and a few more went this morning (HM you're a star!).  This has made me smile and I'm feeling loads better than I did last night, but it brought with it a whole new problem... 

Having spent yesterday upset that they weren't selling, I have spent today remaking them because now someone is actually going to part with cash, I didn't think they were good enough! But I am finally happy with the result - phew!

It has been a busy day - washing on, off to the supermarket, home for the forgotten £10 off vouchers, back to the supermarket, home again and washing hung out all before anyone else had surfaced (It didn't take Al long after spotting there was food in the house to deduce that my busy morning might have been what as making me "waspish" - and I thought I'd hidden it so well!).

The rest of the day didn't get much quieter and I am now beginning to wonder when I'm supposed to fit my jobs in around my new found hobby of making cards! I have some more stuff arriving tomorrow (fingers crossed) which I already know will be far too tempting to leave in favour of doing the ironing! I haven't done any housework all week and I haven't been running either. Help! I can see I'm going to have to get myself organised, and work out some sort of routine and structure to my day however much I keep trying to avoid it! In the long run this will be good for me, in the short term it's going to be painful.

Talking of which my new torture instrument in the guise of a foam roller arrived today.. surprisingly enough I haven't rushed off to try it but have spent most of the day eyeing it suspiciously.  But I am hopeful that it means the end of the tennis ball - I'll let you keep you posted!

And I think it's time to get back in the saddle and run tomorrow!  My skin has (I think) healed sufficiently that running won't be detrimental to my health, squeezing myself back into my running kit after a week off and a LOT of food could be a different story...

M - 711
Total Distance Covered stands for the last time at  116.2 miles

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