Wednesday 21 May 2014


what goes around comes around....

My tactic of leaving them alone to sort things out between themselves overnight has failed.  When I check on them (first thing!) this morning it is clear that my computer and printer are still not talking to each other. They are clearly keen to move away from this standoff position but are going to need a little help to get the ball rolling and I'm running out of options.  I would dearly love to sit around all morning trying to facilitate the process but I've the dogs to walk and an appointment with the Biomechanics Man!

I am pleased to report that my exercises are working, and there is improvement from my last visit, unfortunately not enough to mean my days with the tennis ball are over, but improvement nonetheless! 

Assessment over, it is time to move on to the second part of the session.  When I mentioned Sports Massage at the post parkrun coffee club a few weeks ago there were simultaneous winces around the table in memory of the pain!  For those of you fortunate enough never to have experienced this, it bears very little resemblance to what I shall refer to as a Spa Massage, and I am a little cross that it is even allowed to bear the same name - although Sports Torture would undoubtedly be harder to market!

It hurts, it makes my toes curl and my eyes water, I want a towel to bite into and for it to be over as quickly as possible! Instead of lying there with every nerve receptor in the rest of my body screaming "my turn!" my left leg wants to hide under the table in the hope that it will be forgotten by the time he's finished working on the right!

I don't mean to put anyone off going if they have a need to go.  I genuinely feel better afterwards (hmmm that might just be relief!) but I do have a most sincere warning....

Find out what past grievances your therapist may feel the need to avenge BEFORE you shoot your mouth off about yours! 

I had finished regaling my tale of yesterday by the time I discovered that mine used to work in a Call Centre.... and couldn't help but feel that every extra notch up of pressure was personal!

I am within a mile of PC World and am sorely tempted to go and buy a new printer ("this one is over two years old, it doesn't really owe us anything...") but decide against it not because I've seen sense but because I don't want arrive in the shop in my running kit! So head home for one last try at dispute resolution.

After several failed attempts we finally reach a breakthrough! It is far from perfect, and it is obvious that the communication channels are still somewhat strained (it refuses to print straight, or in the position showing on screen) but IT'S PRINTING! What's more, I think I can live with the results (at least for the time being!). Success!  It would appear that I have paid my dues for yesterday's outburst! 

That is until the pressure release valve breaks on the boiler... it clearly didn't get the message that we're doing calm today!

M - 720
Distance covered               0 miles
Total Distance covered 108  miles

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