Tuesday 27 May 2014

Steer Clear....

Grumpy doesn't even come close!

I am in a dreadful mood although I'm not overly sure why, but I think it may have something to do with my expectations for the day not matching up with the reality!

For once I am still asleep when it is time to get up! I would dearly have loved to roll over and stay in bed but there are dogs to be fed and the boiler men (a two man job today) are due first thing.  Next I want to start tidying up, but instead we've had to make more mess to give the men access to the boiler. There is a cupboard door, mirror and shelving unit in our back room and my collection of jars that usually live on the shelves are covering the dining table.  I'd like to start cleaning the back room but as the workmen are in and out all morning I'm not sure I'd have been particularly popular if I'd chose this morning to steam clean the floor! So I spend the morning eagerly awaiting the delivery of my glue gun but by the time it arrives my window of opportunity to try it has gone.

Usually I love it when everyone's home and long for days when time has no meaning. Today I can't help but wish for a bit of peace and quiet to get on with what I want to do - uninterrupted.  Alternatively if we are all going to be home, that we could all be living in the same time frame, instead of Al and I eating lunch when the boys are eating breakfast!  I know there's just no pleasing some people.

I have however been fairly productive! Resigned to the fact that, despite initial progress, communication between my pc and printer over custom sized paper is always going to be (quite literally) a sticking point, I have decided to invest in a stamp to print what I want on the back of my greetings cards.  The people at the stamp shop were incredibly helpful (unlike Hewlett Packard) and if this option doesn't work then I have decided what my next printer is going to be after a chat with a nice man from Canon!

My glue gun is delivered mid afternoon, but remains unopened in it's parcel.  I don't think I ought to be let loose with hot glue in my current frame of mind, and never having used one before I think there may be a technique requiring more patience than I have today.

I'm fed up with the weather and being cold (it's the end of May, the heating's on, I've got my feet tucked up under a blanket and a scarf on!) I'm irritable and short with everyone and think the best option would be if I took myself off for a hot bath and an early night - suffice to say the boys are glad I'm back!

M - 714
Total Distance Covered 116.2 miles

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