Monday 5 May 2014

Birdwatching, Bluebells

and a Blackberry I don't know how to work properly!

I feel like I have aged overnight when I wake up this morning! We were late getting to bed and my infuriatingly accurate internal alarm clock won't let me sleep past 7, the result of which is that I awoke tired -  but also very achy. My right knee has locked and every joint seems to creek and crack as I get myself moving.  I have a sore head and am surprisingly thirsty - it feels like I have woken up in a different body to the one I went to sleep in!

What is unclear is what has caused this change in fortunes.  Perhaps detox only takes two days if it's all you're doing, perhaps if you're just drinking more water but still consuming the same amount of (not always as healthy as it should be) food it takes a little longer...

Or could it be that I am suffering from a more psychosomatic illness this morning based on the fact that C went to his first proper party last night? Another milestone passed on his journey into adulthood and guaranteed to make me feel every one of the 28 years since it was me heading out with a smuggled bottle of Martini Extra Dry!

As the 5x50 challenge enters the penultimate week, sitting on the sofa for the day is unfortunately not an option. Fighting every desire to curl up and snooze the Bank Holiday away, Al and I head out to the woods with the dogs.  I am determined to be more alert, observant and at one with nature today! The bluebells are out in force, we spot a robin, some birds nesting in a dead tree, and best of all an OWL... who wanted lambs anyway?!

I'm enjoying myself now, when I become consumed with the somewhat modern phenomenon of the need to share -  pictorially. Quite why I think seeing photos of my day is going to make it anymore noteworthy to me or interesting to you is beside the point - I'm in full photo mode. But without my beloved camera! I take a picture of Dougal on my phone although I'm struggling to get one of Sid. I am not by any means a spontaneous photographer and spend the next 10 minutes chasing after the poor old dog trying to get him to pose for the perfect picture. Al starts suggesting that we perhaps just enjoy the walk but can see that I am not going to let it go, so mentions he has his ipod! A selfie of us and a fab picture of Sid (taken by Al!) we head for home...

The rest of the afternoon is consumed with trying to work out how to get the picture from my phone onto my pc! I know that really this isn't worth the effort, that there are a hundred and one better ways I could be spending my afternoon but I am relentless, this is not about a photo of my dog and some bluebells this is about being beaten.

This is a test of the sheer bloody mindedness I am hoping will see me through training and every step of those 26.2 miles...

Ta Da!!!!!

M - 736
Distance covered                 4 miles (walk)
Total Distance covered   54.6 miles

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