Wednesday 28 May 2014

10 Years Younger Day

(don't believe everything you read!)

I haven't run for 4 days... this is the longest I have gone without running since the end of March, and so far I'm not missing it at all! I don't know if this is because for the first time in ages I have no immediate need to run, or because I'm exhausted. 

In all fairness it is probably a combination of the two.  The weather isn't helping, it's cold, wet and particularly uninspiring so it's probably just as well that my skin has yet to heal fully. I have my fingers crossed that it'll be mended for parkrun but at the same time feel like bailing out of that one and offering to volunteer so I don't have to run.  This isn't like me.

There is of course another option - that my bad mood which hasn't really shifted is pervading my every thought and bringing everything down with it.  I seem to be caught in a negative spiral and everything's rubbish... including my glue gun which has been unpacked, tried out, and returned all in the same day!

It doesn't work - it sets almost as soon as it leaves the gun. Great if you're eight and want to decorate everything in bubble writing, not quite so much fun when you're forty four and wanted it to make professional looking cards without having to resort to PVA or spray mount!   

Time to call Customer Services..... lets just say the initial experience at Dremel left a little to be desired, but they are trying their best to sort things now! Whether or not the replacement will work remains to be seen but in the meantime I got busy with the aforementioned PVA and have some cards ready to sell!

I've been making cards for years. I've never asked anyone to buy them before. It's making me a little nervous.

It is my intention to put them on my facebook page -  marathongirl750 - after posting this, in a too late to back out now kind of way.

Not for the first time I find myself having an internal conversation about putting my money where my mouth is - I just need to go for it....

Wish me luck - or better still buy!

PS I have now been drinking 3 litres of water a day for 4 weeks and have yet to notice any signs of looking 10 years younger! This was however not the initial reason for my increased water consumption so I shall stick with it for my general health and keep you posted if any years disappear from my face!

M - 713
Total Distance Covered stays at 116.2 miles

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