Monday 19 May 2014

A Day Off

who was I kidding?!

C has 5 exams today.  The Exam Boards have double booked this afternoon's slot and so they are having to sit their Biology exam early in the space that should have been downtime between German and Physics.  He has to take a packed lunch (in a clear plastic bag) to eat whilst they are kept in isolation from the rest of the world should they dare to pass on any exam questions to anyone from a different school sitting Biology this afternoon. This morning my insomnia is nowhere to be seen and the alarm fails to go off!

Luckily we don't oversleep by much, but it is enough to make me panic whilst trying to maintain a calm exterior!  Just make sure the boys are up, feed the dogs, sort the breakfast, make the packed lunch, get the boys to school, go to the supermarket, and then I can come home, relax and plan the rest of the day without having to factor in a 5K! It's OK I can do this!

I am in the supermarket when my friend texts to say she's looking forward to seeing me later and is on 12 o'clock lunch.  Blast! (or words to that effect!) I have completely forgotten that that is today! This throws me into complete disarray, I throw some random items into the trolley and head home to get the dogs walked in time for me to go out.

If you have managed to find my blog and are reading this J, it was great to see you, but I so wanted a day where I didn't have to be anywhere at any particular time.  I am done with clock watching, and scheduling my life around the dogs, the boys and occasionally my own social arrangements! Thank goodness it's half term next week!

I then spent a large part of the afternoon drafting this blog, writing about Balnakeil, our favourite place in the far north west of Scotland. Picturing the mountains, lochs, clear blue sea, and white sandy beaches, describing how wonderful it is to go to a place at the end of nowhere (having driven through the middle of nowhere to get there), to find good friends and the best chocolate awaiting us when we arrive. Musing about how it doesn't get dark at this time of year, and without the sun to guide you, the passing of time slows down to something unrecognisable from our day to day lives...

Oh I was in full flow and it wasn't until I read it back that I realised that whilst the location of your daydream may be different to mine, I was describing being on holiday! A nice yet not overly productive way to spend an afternoon!

Unfortunately back in the real world I have a ton of things to do and time is not on a go slow, I've tea to cook, parents to visit, washing to bring in, ironing to do... it's not long before I succumb to the inevitable and get back on the hamster wheel!

M - 722
Distance covered                  0 miles (I am no longer counting walks!)
Total Distance covered   104.8 miles

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