Monday 12 May 2014


(Al, C and H you have been warned!)

Today's train of thought began early and stuck around for most of the day!

Al cleaned the hob yesterday - this is bigger news in our house than it ought to be! 
Stood in the kitchen this morning I began thinking about how nice it looked and how much easier it would be if we just took the time to wipe it over every evening, instead of leaving it until it was a much bigger and ultimately far more time consuming job, when the penny dropped.  I have heard this somewhere before, worse than that I have said this somewhere before - my habit of not stopping to take the time to do the little things along the way is not reserved for running and knitting!

Great! Just what I needed something else to internalise! Had I happened to stumble across the three things where I display this trait or was it more wide spread? I needn't have worried about the time this was going to take to analyse - I think we all already know the answer.

What I hoped was isolated to a few separate events is in fact systemic across my whole day - from sorting the finances to dealing with emails, writing a shopping list to updating my 5x50 blog, I don't do it as I go along.  The result of this is that I waste so much time trying to remember things that I run out of time to do them, and every bit of cleaning becomes a bit of a mammoth challenge (like the shower I ended up having to steam clean yesterday!).

So for whilst becoming more introspective was the last thing I needed when I started this blog, it was perhaps an unavoidable consequence.  What was less obvious however was that my daily ramblings would lead finally to a bit of clarity as to why I never seem to have any time to do anything!

I am reborn!

(Well I will be if I can put this new found knowledge into practise!)

With this week's training schedule already worked out, I have been able to plan around it and have a more productive day than I've had in a while. I've shopped, cleaned, hoovered, updated the finances, sorted emails, ran, updated my 5x50 log, cooked, washed up and am about to start ironing!

It may not last, but for today I feel focused and like I've found a key piece in the jigsaw! Which is why when Al gets in from his run this evening and mentions he's going to shave his head whilst in the shower, he is handed the tub of cleaning paraphernalia and told to tidy up afterwards....

The new me may take some getting used to!

M - 729
Distance covered                3 miles
Total distance covered   79.2 miles

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