Wednesday 14 May 2014

Going Live!

Albeit somewhat unintentionally!

Today has been a good day.  After three weeks of thinking about it, dreaming about it, not sleeping about it, and obviously writing about it, I HAVE DONE IT!

I have taken my leap of faith, I am going to run, I am going to raise funds for Barnardo's.

And it feels good.
I adore my boys, they are a huge part of my life and I have thoroughly enjoyed watching them grow up - until now! At 14 and almost 16 they are everything they should be: fun, gorgeous, caring, articulate, (yet in the next breath) moody, monosyllabic teenagers. Increasingly they are starting to make their own decisions and no matter how much I advise them to the contrary would rather follow their own minds than listen to me. This is a path well trodden by every parent, and an absolutely natural progression - it's just taking a bit of getting used to!

I will always be there for them, yet there is a limit to how much more I can do for them, it is time for them to start doing for themselves (but C and H this does not mean that I will stop being on your case with regards to your homework and/or studying yet!).

The world is their oyster and, all joking aside, it will be both a privilege and a pleasure to watch them mature into their adult selves.  And when it comes to marathon day, I shall run for them. For all the love, joy, laughter and hope that they bring. 

But with every step I shall be raising money for children who aren't standing at the edge of a sea of opportunities, children who have had to grow up too soon, children who Barnardo's are asking us to believe in.


Marathongirl750 is up and running on facebook! (Although I thought I was still working on it in private, when sisterofmarathongirl750 found me!).  It is my intention to try and post the link to my blog there in future, so please find and 'like' my page!

Artwork for my Afternoon Tea tickets is almost finished, and if I get on with it now (and ignore the mountain of ironing) I might get to post it tonight too!

Thankfully I am a million miles from where I was last night, I know there will be many more highs and lows to come but it would be remiss of me not to thank Al for riding the roller coaster of my mood swings with me first hand, and you for reading about them! (And for my friend H who I am going on a long run with tomorrow morning, lets hope this one lasts at least until lunchtime!).

M - 727
Distance covered                  4 miles
Total distance covered    86.2 miles

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