Wednesday 30 April 2014

I don't think I can do this....

Which is precisely why I chose to do it in the first place!

I have been to see the biomechanics coach.

After sitting and bringing him up to speed on my current issues and a potted history of past ailments the assessment began.  A mixture of visual observations and strength tests to find out which muscle groups were working correctly (or not!) he has concluded that my pelvis is out of alignment and as a first step I have to work on loosening the muscles on the outside edge of my lower legs as these are stopping muscles further up my legs from being able to work properly! There is also work to be done on my foot as things are not quite as they should be after breaking my toe. With all new ventures into 'alternative' therapies there is always a slight doubt in the back of my mind as to whether the therapy will work, or if the therapist really knows what they are talking about.  However as so much of what Chris said made sense I am hopeful that both the therapy will work AND he knows what he is talking about!  He asked at one point if I splash mud up the insides of my legs when I run as my heels turn in a way they aren't supposed to.. errr I don't run when it's wet or muddy but my dogs still need walking so my wellies confirm this to be the case! 

I also have to drink water - lots of it! 1 litre per 50lbs of body weight plus an extra litre because I'm active! When I came home and worked out the maths I was aghast to find this equates to over 3 litres a day, disbelieving and a quick google search later not only is this correct, but it will also make me look 10 years younger in months time (allegedly) - I'll let you know how that one goes!

Today was exactly what I wanted when I decided to train for a marathon - thank you Lesley for answering my call for help! I knew that something wasn't right and I needed the impetus to do something about it.

There is no way in my current state I could run a marathon - I am neither physically strong nor mentally disciplined enough. Which is what makes it the perfect challenge.

I have been to too many therapists in the past, received enough relief from whatever symptoms took me there in the first place to lose interest and stop going, until my next whim takes me somewhere else.  I spend too much of my time being hopelessly inefficient because it doesn't matter what I manage to achieve as there is always tomorrow to do the stuff I should have done today.  

To be able to run 26 miles I will have to see this course of therapy through.  To find time to do the exercises and train I will have to become more disciplined and organised.
Win Win (I may need reminding of this!)

My journey of 1000 miles is also a bit like a thousand piece jigsaw - I haven't even begun to sort them into any sort of order yet, let alone start to put it together, but I'm getting close to knowing that all the pieces are there and finding the corner ones that will hold it all together.

M - 741
Distance covered               3 miles (walk)
Total distance covered  35.2 miles

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