Monday 21 April 2014

M - 750

April 2016 - our eldest will be about to sit his A Level's, our youngest his GCSE's, and I will be running a marathon!

So today is M minus 750 (the approximate number of days I'm allowing myself for training!).   I know as much about running a marathon as I do about writing a blog... it's going to be a steep learning curve!

Currently I can run 5K, anything beyond this and my knees, ankles, shins and (previously broken yet never quite mended properly) toe start complaining.  Clearly I have issues with my gait to sort out!

And appreciating that this will be as much a mental struggle as a physical battle I have decided to start with a test of will power rather than a training schedule! First job is to lose the half stone that crept on after Christmas - good job I devoured my Easter Eggs yesterday!

Currently in the middle of the 2014 5x50 challenge, I haven't even run today - but I've spent a lot of time thinking about it! Talking over my decision with Al whilst walking the dogs in the woods, I came home filled with optimism and commitment to my decision to run. With every word I type the doubts creep in more til they are practically screaming at me over the stupidity of my decision, not only am I unsure as to whether I can run, but can I maintain this blog over the next two years? I guess only time will tell.

So here goes...
I have no idea at this moment in time if I am going to be able to do this, whether the issues I experience whilst running will be overcome, whether mentally I will be able to cope with the rigours of training, but I'm going to give it my best shot, and if it comes to it - I'll walk!

Distance covered - 4 miles (walk)


  1. I am so very proud of you for even thinking about it ! If anyone can do it you can ... Looking forward to accompanying you on your journey ! And as the first step I will join you in losing half a stone (and the rest) !

    1. Thanks sis.... your company along the way will be most appreciated! Here's to the new slimmer versions of us!
