Thursday 24 April 2014

Suit shopping with my son -

the perfect mental preparation!

Whilst I am happy to spend many hours looking for and purchasing things online - I think it's over a year since I last went shopping. I don't do it. My eldest does it even less.

So our trip into Leeds today in search of a suit for him to wear to the Prom was going to take us both out of our comfort zones! A bit like standing on the starting line at the start of a race, we entered the suit shop a mix of excitement and anxiety not quite knowing what to expect.  After the initial few minutes where we stumbled along not really feeling in control as it all kind of happened around us, we soon settled into our stride and the process became almost pleasant as we sailed towards the first milestone and the exhilaration of making a purchase spurring us on.  However by the time we reached Debenhams and the make-up department (a post suit purchase reward for me, not to complete C's look!) it was much more like a Saturday morning at parkrun - C desperate to set off at his own pace, me wanting to go a lot slower! It was time to go our separate ways and C was dispatched off to Schuh leaving me to browse in peace. By the time we met back up we were both approaching 'the wall' and the thought of stopping off at Sports Direct and Ikea on the way home more than enough to make us want to give up, but we dug deep, offering support to each other along the way (I did Sports Direct, C went to get the meatballs) and together we did it! We made it home in just under 4 hours, tired yet euphoric! 

Filled with optimism having survived this morning, Al, Dougal and I set off for a run this afternoon. A new route so I could stretch the distance up a notch, it felt good to be running on new roads. I've loved running with Al since he started again in November, accompanying him on his early trips round Crow Nest Park until I felt confident that he wouldn't stop if I left him! But today if it hadn't been for Dougal pulling up when I got too far behind they would have left me at about the half way point, and anyone who knows me will know that I'm way too competitive to let that happen!  But I can't run downhill without my knees hurting.  So here is it, my first call for help! Why do my knees hurt and what can I do about it? (although I have a horrid suspicion it might involve lunges and squats :( perhaps I'll let Al beat me after all!)

M -747
Distance covered            4.6 miles
Total distance covered  15.6 miles

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