Tuesday 29 April 2014

Toothpaste and Geese

A day without any semblance of order!

A Facebook friend of mine recently posted the following 

Obsessed is just a word the lazy use to describe the dedicated”.

I am a million miles from being either obsessed or dedicated, two school runs in (after a fortnight off) and I’m knackered!

The only drawback to Al doing the majority of cooking and supermarket shopping whilst on holiday (but it is something I am absolutely prepared to put up with Mr L), is that once he returns to work I have no idea what food there is in the house and consequently what we need from the supermarket. Clearly I should have written a list yesterday but hey I had a birthday to celebrate!

So I set off this morning without any idea as to what we needed, wandered around somewhat aimlessly selecting things at random and headed to the till. £1.50 short of the required spend for a petrol voucher, I smiled apologetically at the other shoppers queuing behind me and ran to get a second tube of toothpaste, only to discover on my return to the till it was on buy on get one free! Aaarrgghh! Four tubes of toothpaste later and with a bag of groceries that even the most proficient celebrity chef on Ready Steady Cook would have found challenging I made my way home.

A fairly chaotic day followed where I dashed about seemingly doing lots but achieving nothing! This is not the focused woman with her finger on the pulse that I have been envisaging! Instead of fit, healthy, energetic, focused, motivated, and maybe even driven - every fiber of my being wanted to be asleep! Guilt forced me to resist the temptation of a wee nap, but was there any way I could justify a few minutes on the bench in the sunshine with my eyes closed? 
Breathing exercises! (I may not be fit, healthy, energetic, focused, motivated and driven (yet!) - but don't ever question my creative thinking skills!)

Apparently I'll run better if I practice deep breathing which involves pulling my belly in on my out breath and relaxing it as I inhale. Sounds simple but I can't do it! Well I can but it takes a lot of concentration, attempting to do it whilst running is near on impossible and renders me even shorter of breath and looking like some kind of lycra clad Arabian dancer! On further investigation my book says I should not to attempt to do this whilst running until I've mastered the technique, which in turns means I'm going to have to practise - a lot. And whilst I don't believe it was what Al was doing last week when he was sitting in front of the snooker with his eyes closed, I have a feeling it might be what he claims next time he's caught having an afternoon snooze! After all what's good for the goose...

M - 742
Distance covered               3 miles (damn you 5x50!)
Total distance covered  32.2 miles

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