Sunday 27 April 2014

26.2 miles - Job Done!

If Saturday mornings = parkrun, then Sunday mornings = Facebook!

For several years now I have been fighting against the infiltration of our family by social media!
I get that the boys would rather be talking to their friends, and that following what other Arsenal supporters are saying on Twitter during Match of the Day is far more engaging for Al than listening to the sound of me snoring on the sofa next to him, before I finally find the energy to get up and go to bed!   But I also get the importance of spending time together without interruption from the outside world, and have been heard on more than one occasion to say "Talk to me, I'm here in person!" and other such choice (and equally annoying) phrases!

As a consequence of which Sunday mornings have become my guilt free pleasure! Up early to feed the dogs , whilst the rest of the family sleep, I can happily spend an hour or so chatting across Facebook with the other early birds! It has been a system that worked well for me.. still in touch with my friends and the snapshots of their lives they are choosing to share, yet still able to maintain my much treasured moral high ground with the rest of the family. But it seems change is afoot...

Firstly on upgrading to an iphone (how have my children got more disposable income than me?!) C very kindly gave me his old ipod touch, and at last I have joined the rest of them in having a mobile device capable of logging onto the internet, which in turn means I may have to concede that part of my anti-Twitter stance was because I had to go into the other room and fire up the pc to access the outside world! Now I have it at my fingertips I find myself looking for new places to hide to secretly check my emails and FB notifications ,as it can come as no surprise to hear that all three boys are taking great delight in catching me, whilst exclaiming - "Talk to me! I'm here in person!"-  hmmm what goes around comes around....

Secondly, this morning I forwent my opportunity to catch up with my sis and other Sunday morningers to go for a run! I'm sorry and  I'd like to say it won't happen again, but I have a feeling it might! (Have literally just received a text to say that sisterofmarthongirl750 took advantage of my absence and also went out for a run... what's happening to us?! Is this because I told you it was 3 weeks until Edinburgh when it's actually 4?! oops!)

So there we have it.... the end of my first week as a blogger and trainee marathon runner! It's been a good start, I'm enjoying it, I've had both words of encouragement for my run and positive feedback on my blog. There is a long road ahead of us but we're a week and more importantly 26.2 miles in! YES I've done it! I HAVE RUN/WALKED MY FIRST MARATHON! And it only took me 7 days!!

Distance covered            4.6 miles
Total distance covered 26.2 miles!!!!!


1 comment:

  1. Well done ! And welcome to the world (obsession) of social media ... yes, you freaked me out with your miscalculation of "weeks to go to Edinburgh" - if I'd known it was 4 weeks I would have spent all morning looking for you on FB :-)
