Tuesday 22 April 2014


It became apparent at half five this morning, that deciding to run a marathon and then deciding to go public with that decision was not conducive to a good night's sleep!

Having slept OK, I then woke early to doubts, questions and anxieties churning around in my mind... and the realisation that on similar mornings in the future I'll find myself getting up and going running!

Having made the momentous decision to hit 'post' yesterday the information was out there - all I could do was sit and wait for the responses to come in - but first I had to tell the boys.

After the initial 'cool' and 'yeah' they soon reverted to type - C asking questions about when so he could set a count down timer on his phone (no doubt to goad me with when he catches me in the kitchen eating some contraband cake!) and then calculating that I only have to increase each run by 50m to reach the target! H pretty quickly got to the crux of the matter as far as he was concerned - will I have to come and watch?!

The responses from FB friends have been both encouraging and supportive and whilst all are welcome, the fact that some of you have run marathons yourselves, seen me run and are STILL saying I can do it have been the most welcome comments of all!

Add to this the fab news that I will be joined by at least one fellow parkrunner at a half marathon along the way and it would appear that I am well and truly up and running...

And I actually put my trainers on today and went for run along the Greenway with Al and Dougal! A kilometre further than we would have usually done by way of a token gesture to my commitment and fuelled by a new found awareness of eliminating my aches and pains I started taking note of the camber - the transformation has begun!

M - 749
Distance covered            4 miles
Total Distance Covered  8 miles

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