Wednesday 30 September 2015

Day 528

1.  Was reading an article yesterday about self sabotage and for once it seemed to hit home...

2.  As a result I have spent a lot of today trying to be kinder to myself and really try to appreciate all that I have managed to achieve...

3.  When I finish on Sunday, I will have completed my goal of three half marathons this year, I will have reached my £1800 fundraising pledge for  Barnardo's, and I will be ready to take on the challenge of Glasgow's finish line being London's half way point!

4.  I am even starting to be able to think objectively about the whole Etsy experience!

5.  Don't get me wrong I would still dearly love to make a sale to someone I don't know but I have started to think about it from a different perspective... if it had been the runaway success that I wanted it to be then I would be making cards and trying to source fabric to make more bags when in truth I can't make either for less than the minimum wage, I hate the listing of products and trying to think of different ways to describe each one and I would more than likely be even more obsessed with social media and the analytics thereof than I already am.  In short I think I may have had a lucky escape!

London -206
Glasgow -4
Total Distance covered     897.8 miles

Tuesday 29 September 2015

Day 527

1.  Another day of disappointing achievement but....

2.  Last run before Glasgow!

3.  I could run again on Thursday, but have convinced myself that it would be best not to risk getting my shoes wet or take the chance that my kit doesn't dry in time before packing on Thursday night, despite the fact that there is no rain forecast and I have spare kit!

4.  So the taper has begun which can mean only one thing.... time to hit Trip Advisor in search of which establishments offer our best carb loading options!

5.  Friday and Saturday evening's options are almost decided upon, schoolfriendofMG750 is sorting Saturday lunch which only leaves where we're crawling to post run on Sunday! Oh and a decision over whether or not to eat breakfast pre run!

London -207
Glasgow -5
Distance covered               5.2 miles 
Total Distance covered     897.8 miles

Monday 28 September 2015

Day 526

1.  I leapt in and sent a second bag off into the swap! But in return I have got myself a twenty minute distance reiki session....

2.  SisterofMG750 you're going to love this one (!) at a predetermined time next week I am going to be sent some healing life force energy across the ether....

3.  Mock not until you've tried it! I am in the meantime going to spend some time lying on my bed listening to calming music to see if I can tell the difference when I have my session, like a sort of controlled experiment.  Sceptics amongst you (assuming it's not just my sis!) keep your views to yourself, I am actually really looking forward to this, if I can just shake the feeling that she saw me coming!

4.  Three more views on Ebay - all very exciting until Etsy Favouriter felt the need to own up that one of them was her!

5.  End of the fourth week of the 100 Day Goal Challenge and I have ground to a bit of a halt! Bag sales have dropped off again after my parkrun success, my training 'don't break the chain' chart has been an utter failure after day three and my diet 'chain' didn't fair much better last week. Not surprisingly if you eat cake you don't loose weight - but on the plus side I didn't gain any either!

London - 208
Glasgow - 6
Total Distance covered     892.6 miles

Sunday 27 September 2015

Day 525

1.  In my mind today was either supposed to be restful or productive, instead it kind of ended up being neither...

2.  Not entirely sure what went wrong.  I got up early, despite being desperate for a lie in, caught up with my blog and a couple of bits for this evenings £15 Swap and suddenly the morning had disappeared.

3.  A dog walk and a rugby match to watch (come on Scotland!) and the afternoon wasn't much better.... but there is now a bag on Ebay and I have had four views!

4.  Seven sleeps till Glasgow! Or more precisely five sleeps till Glasgow, seven till the half marathon! Really looking forward to going home, and even starting to look forward to the run - although my ankles have seized up a bit today and I'm not really sure what to do to make them feel any better! Can't quite get my head around the fact that race done, the next stop is London... but I've got a little over six months to get used to the idea!

5.  £15 Swap has happened! Seems to have gone down well - just waiting for one swap to take place then it will have all gone to plan! But I feel awful for the woman who is left waiting for her offering to be 'chosen' and am trying very hard to not leap in and offer to send a bag off to the one lady left to choose.... "how kind" you may be thinking, or "well it would be another bag gone!!"

London - 209
Glasgow - 7
Total Distance covered     892.6 miles

Saturday 26 September 2015

Day 524 - Parkrun 89

1.  On the assumption that it's not going to be warm enough for my multi pocketed running skort in Glasgow next weekend and, without Dougal, not overly keen on running with the bum bag come dog belt contraption I usually wear, I have invested in a 'Flip Belt'.  This is made from a circular tube of fabric with slits that you can store your phone, keys, jelly babies etc., in whilst running - the idea being that it won't ride up and is chaff free. The 'flip' bit comes from whether you decide to wear it slit side out for easy access or slit side in for added security.

2.  I have been concerned since bringing it home that my physique looks nothing like that of the model and instead of how low on my hips should I wear it, it is much more of a question of 'above', 'over' or 'below' my belly!  'Over' is clearly my favourite option as is it has the added bonus of acting a bit like a corset or 'magic' underwear, but comes with the added risk that it might be too much for it mid run and ping upwards, a bit like an elastic band making a bid for freedom off the top of a jam jar (Al was jam making last weekend). But after reading multiple reviews I decided to go for it and went for the over belly option!

3.  My stomach clearly had different ideas and I ended up trying to anchor it 'under' to keep it in place!  However as I discovered at the end of my run when it had then tried to ride up and not been able to get over the hurdle of my tummy it had rolled over and flipped itself into security mode! No one mentioned that in the reviews!

4.  Had a great parkrun! Coached round the final lap by Marathon Madeleine, who kept telling me to relax my shoulders and turn my feet over quicker, I was chuffed to bits with my 24.28 finish... haven't run this fast since last November which I think means I can class it as a seasons best! Fellow parkrunner who was just behind ran her fastest since last September - half marathon training obviously suits us! Although H took a week off and took over half a minute off his PB... might give that a go post Glasgow!

5.  As predicted Al and I headed out together this afternoon to pick up H and take him to his next social engagement, the penny dropped when we were waiting for him that perhaps we were required to give some of his friends a lift too and there now wasn't enough room in the car, at which point Dougal and I had to get out and walk home! Oh well... it was nice whilst it lasted!

And so with memories of schoolfriendofMG750 (who I'm getting to see next week!!!) and a link between bumbags and conserves that I hadn't dreamt possible here it is....

parkrun 89 - 1989

London - 210
Glasgow - 8
Distance covered                 3.1 miles
Total Distance covered     892.6 miles

Friday 25 September 2015

Day 523

1.  Have had a really busy day today catching up with the delights of housework and cooking - neither of which was particularly exciting but kept me away from the Internet!

2.  I did however manage a short detour this morning to a wool shop in search of some inspiration for my next project! 

3.  I'll leave you to guess the answer to the question of whether I footered about with it before doing any jobs or saved it till after the jobs were done...

4. Haven't seen much of Mr L this week and am really looking forward to spending some time with him this weekend - although we may have to both go when chauffeuring H around to do so!

5. Lovely evening in the company of Mr and Mrs J. Mrs J has bought a bag which she intends to use on her holidays.... thus giving me a whole new (albeit) not overly seasonal category of 'beach bag' to investigate! She also suggested trying to sell them on Ebay with a 'buy it now' price - haven't done that before but I have a feeling that by the end of the weekend I just might have!

London - 211
Glasgow - 9
Total Distance covered     889.5 miles

Thursday 24 September 2015

Day 522

1. Hmmm so my attempt to start weaning myself off Etsy kind of fell at the first hurdle! A FB notification from Etsy Leeds asking if any of us had any tote bags that could feature in a blog about the introduction of a charge for carrier bags in October had me replying within the minute!

2. Finally! Someone has caught up with the reason I made them! A small spike in my Etsy viewing figures and a shop 'favourite' and off I went out to lunch dreaming of greatness and an interview from the Etsy Success Team! 

3.  Was very restrained and didn't sneak a peak at my phone all through lunch - just as well the news may have seen me return to Earth with a bump! The article isn't planned until after the introduction of the charge - and there is even the suggestion that it could be delayed further to give other team members time to make some bags!

4. This has made me feel ever more like a square peg in a round whole where Etsy Leeds are concerned and I think I may be well advised to keep on with my attempts to let it go.

5. Meanwhile I am busy trying to remember to be mindful! One of my goals was to be more present when I'm running as I often get back having blocked large parts of the run out! It was hard not to get in touch with my senses this morning in the wind and rain! Although that said I didn't get to see much - not for the first time I could have done with windscreen wipers on my glasses, although admittedly contact lenses might be an easier option!

London - 212
Glasgow - 10
Distance covered                   5 miles
Total Distance covered     889.5 miles

Wednesday 23 September 2015

Day 521

1.  Not entirely sure where it came from but I was in the blackest of black moods this morning. I could quite easily have given up on the whole marathongirl thing - which given that I'm sooooo close to my fundraising target and on track with my training for Glasgow was a bit unexpected.

2.  After a bit of a stern talking to (by me!) I managed to pull myself round enough to hatch a plan...

3.  I need to take a step back from it all and actually appreciate what I have achieved rather than permanently focussing on what I haven't.

4.  The bags are therefore now neatly away in a cupboard, out of sight and hopefully out of mind, and I am slowly going to start weaning myself off Etsy.

5.  That said an Etsy Boot Camp has just started that I might work through to have one last bash at it before I finally admit defeat!

London - 213
Glasgow - 11
Total Distance covered     884.5 miles

Tuesday 22 September 2015

Day 520

1.  The closer it gets to Glasgow the more I am noticing every little twinge.... what was a small niggle in my heel/ankle yesterday was almost enough to make me not run today and now a potential ailment to stop me running again at all before I'm lined up in George Square!

2. I have a suspicion that this is more psychosomatic than anything to worry about, besides which I have worked out that I might be able to time it so I run my 900th training mile in Glasgow...

3. I think I could probably miss a training run and still do this, but I don't want to work it out properly and then use it as an excuse to stay put on Thursday!

4. Today's homework for my mindfulness course has been to stop and pay attention to my breath periodically throughout the day.  This was significantly easier when I got to the top of the hill at the start of my run and on the way home after I'd tried to look fitter than I am by sprinting up the road to our house past some workmen!

5. There were six bags left :(

London - 214
Glasgow - 12
Distance covered                 3.6 miles
Total Distance covered     884.5 miles

Monday 21 September 2015

Day 519

1.  Legs feel remarkably well considering yesterday's mammoth outing. Couple of twinges here and there but on the whole - not bad!

2.  Didn't have to walk Dougal today (which may have had something to do with it!) but I did do a fair bit of walking around York University Campus with C - it was a little grim in the rain but his company made up for it!

3. Consequently my only micro action on my 100 Day Goal plan today was to keep my fingers crossed than my friend had good fortune at a coffee morning she was taking my bags to!

4.  I haven't heard and I haven't asked! For whilst I don't ask both possibilities (that there are six bags or less than six bags) still exist in a Schrödinger's Cat kind of a way (see I do listen occasionally Mr L - just hope now that I've understood sufficiently to reference it here!).

5.  But what I know to be absolutely true without any question of a doubt is that thanks to a bag purchase by Westival Saviour and an unexpected donation by the friend who tried sell my bags to the shop..... I am £10 off reaching my fundraising target - and I'm almost allowing myself to feel the relief!

London - 215
Glasgow - 13
Total Distance covered     880.9 miles

Sunday 20 September 2015

Day 518

1. Up at six to get ready for our long run this morning, and time to put my new daily mindfulness meditation into practice - if only I could have kept my mind off how to sell those 'last' four bags!

2.  Soon forgotten when FMG and fellow parkrunner arrived and we set off on our fourteen mile jaunt! Not entirely sure how long it took the Biomechanics Man to recognise us from our running gait as he cycled past - and not entirely sure I want to know either! - but we'd only just set out so I'm hoping my shoulders weren't already keeping my ears warm!

3.  Blooming 'eck it was a long way!  The chocolate stop around mile 10 was most welcome and I'm not sure how I'd have faired without it BUT we did it! Our furthest ever - very pleased and definitely not going to burst the post run euphoric bubble with the words "only twelve miles further.....!!"

4.  A cycle by (this time by Mrs Motivator) at around the twelve mile mark was most welcome - couldn't have planned it better if we'd tried.

5.  Two weeks till Glasgow - Bring it on!! I hope I feel that way in the morning....

London - 216
Glasgow - 14
Distance covered               14.2 miles
Total Distance covered     880.9 miles

Saturday 19 September 2015

Day 517

1.  Had a little bit too much fun volunteering at parkrun this morning!  It's rare that I'm glad that sisterofMG750 wasn't there but you'd have hated this morning - we were a little vocal shouting encouragement (and occasional abuse) to spur everyone on - or not as would have been the case with you sis! But our calls for a sprint finish saw one of our friends PB so we feel vindicated!

2.  Having been on the receiving end of H's sprint finish it is with pleasure that I can report that fellow parkrunner beat him today! Half marathon running clearly suits you R!!

3.  Finally took my bags to parkrun and sold eight! Thank you! It was an altogether much nicer experience than spending the day at the dog show to sell six! (Don't take that the wrong way Birthday Girl! I had fun with you and C, just not the selling bit).


5.  I can't begin to tell you how much I want to be the other side of it! I'm dreaming of all the stuff I'll get done when it's no longer on my mind and can almost dare to believe that it's coming soon.... in fact I've decided to make a concerted effort to be there by the time I run Glasgow! In my head this brings a lightness and spring to my step that sees me skipping round the thirteen miles with the wind in my hair and a smile on my face - I have a sneaking suspicion it might not be quite like that!

London - 217
Glasgow - 15
Total Distance covered     866.7 miles

Friday 18 September 2015

Day 516

1.  Not entirely sure how I have managed to get so far behind this week but I have.  Actually it's probably because I lost the middle part of the week absorbed in my great swap shop idea which so far had turned out to be a lot less exciting than I hoped it would! But there are at least a few things in the swap that I'd like and a couple that I really hope I don't have to end up choosing to be polite because it was my idea!

2.  Just in case the shop did decide to take her advice my friend thought she better rush in a Christmas order for four of her favourites! That's nine bags sold this week! Whooo hooo!! (well one's for the swap but even so!)

3.  A couple of weeks ago I found out that C and Etsy Favouriter would be able to come home for lunch today, which was extra special as it is EF's birthday tomorrow! In my head the table was laid and there was a beautifully wrapped gift (knowing she'd appreciate the effort!) and a lovely lunch with birthday cake.  In reality the table still had this morning's supermarket shop on it, the gift is still in the post, and the lovely lunch was cheese toasties that they'd to make themselves! I did get the cake made though - well saying where my priorities lay! (Birthday cake is calorie free in case you're wondering what happened to the diet!).

4.  Not quite the Wonder Woman image I'm currently sporting on my Facebook profile! All part of a FB game but I quite like it so might keep it for a while... Who knows it might spur me on to try and live up to it!

5. Rugby World Cup from now until Halloween - just think of all the jobs I'll be able to get done!

London - 218
Glasgow - 16
Total Distance covered     866.7 miles

Thursday 17 September 2015

Day 515

1.  My friend has been back into the shop with my bag - whilst they love it they aren't sure how they could sell it as there is no margin for their mark up in the price I'm currently selling at and they would have to sell at the same price as I'm selling at on Etsy.  My friend's response - not if you buy all of them!!- I'm still waiting for the phone to ring!

2.  It would appear that the lady from the Business Bakery has been in touch with run-walk guru Jeff Galloway..... today's top 100 Day Goal Challenge tip

3.  It would appear that the universe is also aligning to reinforce this point - my Glasgow Half Marathon number arrived today and when I applied last October I was clearly more conservative with my finish time that I would have been if I'd applied recently! Consequently I am in the third and final wave of runners and don't set off until 11.50!

4.  This has led to a discussion over how we will fill the time before then, lying in, pacing round the room for six hours, or going for breakfast! All joking aside it has thrown me a little, as my porridge pot of gruel that I usually eat before a long run or on half marathon morning is OK when it's 6am and there aren't any other options, but the thought of a proper breakfast will be hard to turn down. I have however no idea what it will be like to run 13.1 miles on a full (abeit veggie) English! Oh the options to ponder between now and then!

5.  Lovely evening at Westival Saviour's! And twenty guesses on name the bear very kindly collected by her on my behalf - THANK YOU! 32 down - 68 to go! Parkrunners your time is nigh!

London - 219
Glasgow - 17
Distance covered              4.7 miles 
Total Distance covered     866.7 miles

Wednesday 16 September 2015

Day 514

1.  Didn't sleep particularly well churning over my idea.  All wound up and stressed I tore shreds of H before school - a real bad mum moment :(

2.  I can't go on like this.  I need to relax and recognise that everything with regard to my 100 Day Goal and now this new idea does not have to be perfect.  I can learn. I can make mistakes. It can be a work in progress.

3.  So I decided to keep things as simple as I could, and after working out how to set up a closed group on Facebook for people I am not friends with (I had to befriend the maiden name version of me, invite her to join, then set up the group, log into Al's FB get him to join to see if the link worked, and then delete both of them!) I am up and running! The idea is that those of us with goods retailing at £15 will join a sort of chain letter whereby we all send something to one person and get one thing in return! Spreading news of our products and finding out about what each of us does. So far we've had twenty takers and I already have my eye on some Chilli Jam or a Reiki reading to try and attract some positive thoughts!

4.  For about an hour after going public my email activity resembled that of sisterofMG750's with fifty arriving one after the other! OK so they were mainly notifications from FB but still for a short while I felt important (if a little flustered!).

5.  My friend has sold four bags for me today. 8 Down 31 To Go and only 99 sleeps till Christmas - just saying!! ooooh a handily placed link to some great gifts.....

London - 220
Glasgow - 18
Total Distance covered     862 miles

Tuesday 15 September 2015

Day 513

1.  Early on this morning I caught sight of my 100 Day Goal - Days Completed chart and couldn't help but think "Really?! That was you giving this your best shot?! All those empty flags representing days left on the challenge and you're ready to give up.... I don't think so!!"

2.  A post along much the same vein in the 100 Day Goal group chat struck a chord with many and a kindly word of advice along the lines of "If your life depended on you selling 10 bags in the next three days what would you do? And have you really been filling your time with those sorts of actions?"  Somehow I don't think a) cry and b) well I put a picture of some pears on Instagram really cuts it either!

3.  Trouble is "Beg everyone I know to buy a bag!" isn't a great marketing strategy!

4.  But... sell one to one of your friends, get her to take it into work and wait for her to ring and request some to sell on my behalf once her work colleagues have seen them, appears to have worked a treat! Fingers crossed the next part of the plan whereby they actually buy works as nicely! Dropping them off in the morning....

5.  Meanwhile I have begun hatching a new idea for a bit of networking with my new 100 Day Goalers and have put out an intriguing post asking who else sells items priced at the £15 mark within the group and nothing else.  Have sixty replies so far! Watch this space... tomorrow could be a busy day! Which is a shame as I've just signed up for an online Mindfulness course and I'm really going to struggle to clear my mind of all that is now whirring round inside it!

London - 221
Glasgow - 19
Distance covered              4.2 miles
Total Distance covered     862 miles

Monday 14 September 2015

Day 512

1.  Had to get up at 4.45am yesterday to get to the Great North Run on time! Early enough but my fear of oversleeping saw me awake at 1.45 and 2.50. When Dougal woke up at 4 - I decided just to get up! Needless to say by the time I came home last night I was exhausted - and I hadn't even been running! Didn't see much of yesterday evening (hence the late posting of my blog) and have spent much of today not quite with it either - heaven knows how you've been to work fellow parkrunner!

2.  But end of Week 2 of the 100 Day Goal Challenge and I'm pleased to report that by and large I have stuck to my diet and there has been a slight downward shift when standing on the scales!

3.  My 'Don't Break the Chain' chart has however had no effect on my desire to train! I seem quite happy with a sporadic collection of days crossed off and it didn't even come close to motivating me to go to the gym today.

4.  I am tiring of my daily micro actions not having any visible effect and am thinking perhaps I should forget all about my goal of selling all 39 bags and focus instead on using the remaining 86 days to tidy the house which would have a huge visual impact.

5.  For whilst I can't see the point of Instagram I had fun taking a nice picture and posting it on there today! Who knows perhaps someone as bored as me will see it, click on my profile and be intrigued enough to look at my Etsy page - my direct links aren't working perhaps a less obvious approach is what's called for!

London - 223
Glasgow - 20
Total Distance covered     857.8 mile

Sunday 13 September 2015

Day 511 The Great North Run

1.  Just had such a fabulous day at the Great North Run! Thank you fellow parkrunner and AB for the lift! And a HUGE WELL DONE on reaching the finish!

2.  The sun shone, we had a fabulous road side cheering spot, saw all three winners pass in fairly quick succession and then....

3.  We stood and cheered for over an hour and a half whilst the rest of the 57,000 people ran, walked, hobbled and were pushed past! They just kept on coming! I had no idea there were so many people taking part, or that it was bigger than the London Marathon! If I'd only known I could have set my sights on this instead!

4.  Too late! But it was everything FMG and I could have hoped it would be.  A day full of hope and inspiration and definitely something to think back to when it's cold and dark, we've training to do, and London feels a long way off.

5.  Did I wish I was running today? Yep! But the logistical nightmare of the trains, the traffic jams leaving Southshields, and the memory of the queue out the door at the service station toilets on the way up might just make me refrain from joining the ballot next year! But there was a tiny ember of interest from Mr L.... so never say never!!

London - 224
Glasgow - 21
Total Distance covered     857.8 mile

Saturday 12 September 2015

Day 510 - Parkrun 88

1.  24.45 Yes!!!!!!!!!

2.  Coincidently Al and I both finished 1 minute and 1 second outside of our personal bests BUT this is my first time sub twenty five since December and put me back in Bronze Medal Position!

3.  It was slightly spoiled by the fact that H overtook Al on the final stretch, Dougal ran to catch up with H, and they both overtook another runner who I didn't have time (!!) to catch and thus spoiling our one two three finish! (For those of you unfamiliar with my habit of awarding myself a bronze medal - this is for being the third female home. We were in fact the 34th, 35th and 37th runners to cross the finish line but appreciate that I could have implied that H and C were the first two runners home but then I'd have been fourth because that man beat me so perhaps you all got it first time round!).

4.  Well done to parkrunfastfinisher on completing his 100th parkrun. Wish I hadn't had so many weeks off now! That T-shirt shall be mine!

5.  I usually shy away from making any political comment but today I'm making an exception.  I don't know what the election of Jeremy Corbyn to Labour Leader will mean for the country, I don't know if the thousands of people rallying in support of the refugees will have any impact on decisions to be taken by EU leaders on Monday, I don't know how we will ensure that those currently most at need in the UK aren't overlooked amidst this current crisis, and I really don't know where all this sits with the wave of nostalgia I felt catching the end of The Last Night of the Proms tonight but I hope at last it signifies a chance for change towards something we can be proud of.

parkrun 88 - 1988

London - 225
Glasgow - 22
Distance covered                 3.5 miles
Total Distance covered     857.8 miles

Friday 11 September 2015

Day 509

1.  I have signed up for a stall at a 'Shop til you Drop' event in Leeds in November! Firstly because the stall space was cheap! Secondly because it's being held in a Casino so it will be warm and dry. Thirdly attendees get a free glass of bubbly on arrival.  Fourthly it might attract a slightly more willing to spend type of customer than the dog show! Fifthly I am hoping I might have sold all my bags by then and won't have to go!

2.  I put a picture of one of my abstract art cards onto Instagram last night and it was liked by a couple of real life proper abstract artists!

3.  I have tried really hard to enjoy today - even though there were no sales it was a good day.

4.  Found myself pouring out advice to a rather unsuspecting fellow 100 Day Goaler on the visibility of her business and work after which I felt the need to heed some advice given to me yesterday and link my personal FB page with that of Marathongirl750.  Job done I then set about changing my profile and cover pic... still rather a lot of work to do BUT....

5.  There is now a 'shop now' button on Marathongirl750 on Facebook (on the cover pic)!! For this I've had to say that I'm a small business which I feel is stretching it a bit but a step in the right direction! Go on have a look! And a Click! It'll do wonders for my Etsy page view figures - not that I've looked at them today ;)

London - 226
Glasgow - 23
Total Distance covered     854.3 miles

Thursday 10 September 2015

Day 508

1.  Woke up having had a horrid dream the premise of which was I was useless - subconscious getting it spot on again!

2.  Bit of early morning soul searching and I have decided that I'm not useless, I'm just not of the right predisposition to have a sales target as my goal when in my head I can't disassociate my mood from whether or not I've made a sale, or how many views my Etsy shop has had. So a concerted effort to try to distance myself from it all today get some other jobs done and not look at my Etsy stats at all  - HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!

3.  In my defence I did receive a phone call early this morning from a friend who had popped into a shop this morning and seen bags similar (but obviously not as nice - her words!) as mine on sale for £60.  Bless her she then proceeded to tell the shop owner all about me and told her to have a look at my Etsy page.  The viewing figures would suggest that perhaps she didn't - but there's still time!

4.  Lots of talk in the 100 Day Goal group chat today (allegedly!) about us being a tenth of the way through! I am trying really hard to concentrate on the fact that this does not mean I should necessarily be a tenth of the way to reaching my sales target (although to be fair I'm not far off). Instead I need to focus on the fact that I have done things over the past ten days which given time may just pay off. Overall I have been more focused and that's a good thing.  Weaning myself off checking my phone constantly and stopping myself from being miserable when I don't like what I see will take time but I'm working on it! And as this whole thing is an experiment to see what life might hold for me post marathon I'm learning a lot about that too!

5.  Al has found a new running buddy.... he and H went out at 6am this morning! I did at least think about joining them but Dougal certainly didn't!

London - 227
Glasgow - 24
Distance covered                 3.6 miles
Total Distance covered     854.3 miles

Wednesday 9 September 2015

Day 507

1.  C came down into the kitchen this morning clearly hoping that my mood had improved overnight! He is trying so hard to think of positive things to say to me - his latest being telling me that 13,195,130 people have used #bag on Instagram.... surely one of them will buy!

2.  Again The Business Bakery have come up trumps in predicting just how I'll be feeling! Their top tip is to have a 'smile file' on hand of positive comments and feedback that I can dip into when I'm struggling.  I'll get working on it!

3.  Caught a bit of the Jeremy Vine show on BBC Radio 2 today about shops in England introducing a fee for carrier bags in October. I have been wondering for a while when to hit Facebook with a campaign along these lines and was giving it some more thought when I suddenly realised I should be tweeting whilst the show was on air and see if I could pick up any views to my Etsy shop! Thought I'd cracked it when the viewing figures started to rise but they stopped at five and I've since discovered that they came from the US and Sweden so it's unlikely that it had anything to do with my tweet at all!

4. The fate of poor nameless Barnardo's Bear has been rescued by Westival Saviour! Thank you for offering to take him to work to get some more guesses.

5.  Oooh! Just logged back on to finish writing this and noticed that my map on Blogger for today looks much like my map on Etsy.... in which case perhaps my Swedish and American Etsy views are from blog readers in which case THANK YOU!

London - 228
Glasgow - 25
Total Distance covered     850.7 miles

Tuesday 8 September 2015

Day 506

1.  Absolutely brilliant run this morning! Loved it! Route I've not run for a while, long downhill section towards the end and my fastest mile ever I think at 7 mins 29 seconds (very smiley face).

2.  All brought on by trying to beat the road sweeping truck! Dougal doesn't do big noisy vehicles, a bus is bad, the bin lorry is worse, something with brushes sticking out the side would be a nightmare to try and get him to run past.  So we had to bide our time behind it whilst we waited for a pavement on the opposite side of the road to appear, cross over, catch up with it, overtake it, and then keep going! No place for run-walk-run strategies when trying to out run that 'beast!'

3.  Riding high on the wave of post run euphoria I saw one of my neighbours and her friend through the window and pounced on them to come and look at my bags!

4.  They were polite but far from enthusiastic - and I just wished I could turn the clock back and not have bothered, or perhaps more pertinently not have bothered them! It doesn't matter that they didn't want to buy, but I haven't been able to shift the feeling that I have become a nuisance and someone best avoided.

5.  I hate this.  C and Etsy Favouriter did a good job of cheering me up when they got in from school, and what I thought was a potential Pinterest sale raised my mood for a while but it was wishful thinking on my part.  BUT positive comments from strangers about my bags, and some 'likes' on Instagram for this morning's offering - I'm trying hard to keep the faith.

PS Respect to Al and H who have not long since gone out for a run - it's cold and dark out there and for the first time in a long time I've put the heating on!

London - 229
Glasgow - 26
Distance covered                5.2 miles
Total Distance covered     850.7 miles

Monday 7 September 2015

Day 505

1.  Was woken at 1.30am by the sound of an Etsy alert on my phone.  Unfortunately a 'favourite' and not a sale but a 'favourite' is better than nothing and it did mean that I could just drift off back to sleep.  The moral dilemma of whether I would have woken Al and the boys in my excitement of a sale I can leave for another day!

2.  Marathongirl750 is now on both Pinterest and Instagram!! But I haven't really got a clue what to do with either of them!

3.  I think there must be a better way to try to drive views than by taking a screenshot and putting it on Twitter but it's all I've got for now!

4.  Legs feeling remarkably OK to say I ran twelve and a half miles yesterday - I think the run walk run strategy might just be working. I may have a different take on that when I set off for my run tomorrow!

5.  HusbandofMG750 otherwise known as Al or sometimes Mr L did fifty catches with five juggling clubs this evening! This is hard, and he's been working at it for a long time and I just wanted to take the opportunity to say YIPPPPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

London - 230
Glasgow - 27
Total Distance covered     845.5 miles

Sunday 6 September 2015

Day 504

1.  Absolutely the most beautiful morning for a run - all twelve and a half miles of it! Thanks for your company FMG.  Glasgow here we come!

2.  A little early to see any results from my five days of dieting the fact that I saw a giant haystack whilst still feeling like I look like Giant Haystacks made me have a rye smile to myself mid run!

3.  No mental image, nor desire to not 'break the chain' was going to stop me from eating a rather enormous brunch post run! To be fair it was probably a smaller portion than I've eaten regularly in the past but after a week of relative starvation it felt HUGE and most welcome - thank you Al!

4.  On Etsy this morning logged in as the maiden name version of me so I could add some bags to my basket and see what happened to the postage (it combines in case you'd like to buy two!) I managed to accrue 8 listings views! But that REALLY is cheating!

5.  Well done to sisterofmarathongirl750 on running 10 miles this morning! Definitely in agreement with you that you've more than made up for the other two and a bit miles with a teenage daughter shopping trip this afternoon!  (But did she walk you as far as I did in Brighton?!)

London - 231
Glasgow - 28 FOUR WEEKS!!!
Distance covered              12.5 miles
Total Distance covered     845.5 miles

Saturday 5 September 2015

Day 503

1.  Up before the sun and still not for running! Really hoping that I catch up with myself soon - these early mornings are killing me!

2.  Long run planned for tomorrow, time to volunteer at parkrun again! Which gave me the opportunity to cheer H on and watch his sprint finish (I missed it last week - although he tells me you got a good view of it fellow parkrunner!).

3.  Very glad I did as I think it will be the only chance I get to see him - the little horror went sub twenty five minutes!  His friend CM went sub twenty three which is just rude on your first attempt!

4.  BUT I have discovered the 'Age Graded League' on the parkrun page! Doing better than I thought (or at least my eighteen month old PB is!) number 297 out of a possible 1000 - sometimes it pays to be a woman of a certain age!

5. Post parkrun the day just seemed to disappear on me - which isn't great to say we were home by 10am! No jobs ticked off my to-do list, not least because I never found time to write one for today!

London - 232
Glasgow - 29
Total Distance covered      833 miles

Friday 4 September 2015

Day 502

1. Up before the sun in an attempt to get my jobs done - couldn't quite shake the feeling that I should be donning my running kit and trainers and heading out with FMG!!

2. I'm guessing our return to pre dawn running will come round soon enough!

3. Itsy bitsy day - and despite my early start I don't think I achieved all that much. 

4.  Have sold a bag to another friend and popped one in the post to another - 3 down 36 to go. But I can't help but feel like that's cheating! 

5. Al returned from his guitar lessons last night with a donation as his teacher didn't want to take 'name the bear' options away from other people! Very nice of him and yet aaaarrrgggghhhhh all at the same time! 88 remain!

London - 233
Glasgow - 30
Total Distance covered      833 miles

Thursday 3 September 2015

Day 501

1.  I was always at risk of crashing after yesterday's euphoria - and bang! Down I came this morning with a bump!

2.  Al went back to work on Tuesday, the boys went back to school today. Dougal and I didn't enjoy our day very much.  Going to take a bit of adjusting to just being the two of us again.

3.  Hatched an idea last night to offer a free progress colouring-in page with any bag sold to my new FB group in the hope that it might generate a few laughs which might just might convert to orders - my fingers are still crossed!

4.  Etsy views are up, which is GOOD but my failure to be able to convert these to sales is BAD and kind of sticks a pin in the bubble of excitement I felt when they started to increase - but I shall persevere.  Meanwhile Al has been sent out to his guitar lessons armed with the 'Name the Bear' sheets! Be warned parkrunners they are coming your way soon!

5.  Four mile run with Dougal this afternoon.  That was rubbish too.  Thinking about it, my black mood might have more to do with the fact that I'm hungry than anything sales related! Three days in to my diet and I'm starving!

London - 234
Glasgow - 31
Distance covered               4.2 miles
Total Distance covered      833 miles

Wednesday 2 September 2015

Day 500

1.  By the time I went to bed last night I was already panicking about how I was going to get through my to do list today! By the time I got up I had an email from the Business Bakery

"Day 2! Today's tip is don't get burnt out! It's tempting to do as many micro actions as possible in the early days of the 100 Day Goal but small steps EVERY DAY will get you there in better shape!"

It's like she knew!

2.  Break my chain (or rather not breaking it) worked - I went to the gym this morning!

3.  A visit from an old friend this morning - and my first sale of the 39 remaining bags! Pleased to have sold, gutted that she chose one I was thinking of keeping for myself, more than a little excited to be in a position to colour in my first bag on my progress map!

4.  A post of my chart in the group chat has brought with it many likes and positive comments admittedly most from fellow colourer iners but a suggestion that someone might buy - fingers and toes crossed everyone!

5.  500 days in! WHOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOO!!! I'm in a good place and feeling more positive than I have done for a long time. Seems like a good time to share a totaliser with you... edging ever nearer!

London - 235
Glasgow - 32
Total Distance covered     828.8 miles

Tuesday 1 September 2015

Day 499

1.  Day 1 of my 100 Day Goal challenge is complete! I have ticked off four actions and generated some much needed traffic to my Etsy shop.  Who cares if the views were from Latvia and the US especially as I now (having completed action 1) offer international postage!

2.  I have had to remove the link to the Facebook group chat to accompany the challenge from my news feed as it would appear I am not alone in finding the thought of colouring in my reward chart as the best bit of the day.  Who knew there were so many of us procrastinators out there who would rather discuss which picture we had chosen to colour in than actually do any work!

3.  Having distanced myself from the conversation I decided to make my own! I have kept the aforementioned heart for colouring in once an action is complete, I have drawn some lovely bunting with 100 flags to mark off the days, but by far my favourite is a page with 39 shopping bags to colour as I mark off each sale! It's been a productive day!

4.  As a motivational tool we have also been alerted to a concept coined by Jerry Seinfeld which involves marking off days on a calendar for every day you do the thing you've committed to with the idea being that you 'Don't break the Chain'. I now have two very large red crosses through September 1 on two separate sheets - one for training, one for diet! Tomorrow's squares await their outcome!

5.  Run this morning with Dougal - legs felt like lead and just couldn't find any running joy at all.  But at least H was around on my return to discuss my running stats with! Asked if he wanted to see my splits, and not quite up to speed with the fact that this refers to my time for each mile, he replied "You can't do the splits mum!".  Thankfully I knew better than to try to prove him wrong!

London - 236
Glasgow - 33
Distance covered               3.8 miles
Total Distance covered     828.8 miles