Friday 31 July 2015

Day 467

1.  Finally a chance to catch up with FMG! Far too much to talk about for our conversation to be interspersed with gaps whilst we regulate our breathing so we opted for a walk rather than a run.

2.  Dougal couldn't believe his luck - the return of his beloved FMG to the pack and an extended walk where he was left to do his own thing whilst we walked the most convoluted route round the park to increase our chat time!

3.  For a variety of factors we unfortunately find ourselves completely out of step with our training for Glasgow and it's going to take us a while to get back in sync.  Doesn't feel right but thankfully (?!) we've got hundreds of miles of training ahead of us to look forward to!

4.  Wasted the afternoon trying to get the photo's taken for putting the last of the bags that I want on Etsy onto Esty... despite Al's best attempts I wasn't happy with any of them - thankfully the universe decided to intervene and the camera battery ran out before I got the chance to suggest we went through the process again.

5.  C&H both home this evening for the first time since last weekend and the last time before next!

London - 271
Glasgow - 65
Total Distance covered 763 miles

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