Monday 13 July 2015

Day 449

1.  If inner beauty is running thin on the ground, external signs of it were completely non existent as I donned my waterproofs and wellies to walk Dougal this afternoon! Rain dripping off peaked hood is a hard look to pull off with any modicum of style...

2.  There was however beauty to be found.  Clearly sheltering from the rain in the long grass and disturbed by Dougal as he ran through, he appeared over the brow of the hill as if being followed by an ever emerging fluttering cloud of butterflies.

3.  I hasten to add that this was only beautiful because we were outside - put me in a room with just one moth and watch me scream to be rescued!

4.   My 'fully refurbished' phone is clearly not quite as fully refurbished as I'd like, and is showing signs of internal memory which can only be linked to it's previous owner.  When texting "looking forward to the end of term" this morning I got as far as "looking forward to the" and it wanted to complete the sentence with "GYM"???!!!

5.  Thank you Marathon Man for your continued support and retweets! Our combined efforts last night as part of #handmadehour saw Etsy views leap to eight!

M - 287
Glasgow - 83
Total Distance covered   731.1 miles

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