Thursday 16 July 2015

Day 452

1.  The computer system at the gym has clearly picked up an anomaly in yesterday's data - I awoke to a 'good to see you' email, along with a request to get in touch if they can help in anyway.  (What was missing off the end of that sentence was 'before it's a month until you next put your foot through the door!).

2.  Etsy too have picked up on some strange activity.  Sat sewing this afternoon and an unidentified alert tone was heard emanating from my phone... someone had favourited an item in my shop! Clearly such an unusual occurrence they felt the need to let me know immediately!

3.  This then led to a small flurry of interest, and I finished the day with thirteen favourites - all from people I don't know! The fact that my bag is now one of 465,749 items favourited by Ada is entirely NOT the point.... the fact that I no longer completely invisible on Etsy is HUGE NEWS! I have been found AND liked!

4.  Purposefully left my Garmin at home this morning and went for a four mile run-walk-run with Dougal blissfully unaware of my average pace! Enjoyed it and think it might be the way forward for a while, to just go with how I feel when I'm out there but struggled a bit on my return with no data to analyse!

5.  The news from Wiggle is good! One parkrun 50 Tshirt is out for delivery tomorrow... keep your fingers crossed!

M - 284
Glasgow - 80
Distance covered               4.2 miles
Total Distance covered   739.3 miles

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