Sunday 5 July 2015


HMG is coming with me to London!

A little over a year since she was given the pseudonym Half Marathon Girl, and a little less than a year since she signed up for her first half marathon, HMG has been accepted onto Team Barnardo's for the full twenty six point two miles of joy that awaits us in London and shall therefore, from here on in, be referred to as FMG!

As with me, she has met the news with a mixture of excitement at the thought of going and anxiety at the momentous task ahead of us - but with the rather lovely added sweetener of a training day with Daley Thompson to look forward to!

Having had a little longer to get over my initial wave of panic (I am expecting it to return) I am able just to feel elated by the news! I am so fortunate to have her as my training partner, especially on the cold dark winter mornings when a lesser (and possibly more sane) individual would pull the duvet up, roll over and go back to sleep, FMG can be relied upon to be up and raring to go - the knowledge of which gets me up and at least out of the door.  I wish you lived near enough to come with us sis, but then again I have a suspicion that the thought of getting up to go running with two chatty people first thing in the morning might be amongst your worst nightmares!

At this point in reading Al is now wondering why, if I'm feeling elated by the news, am I not showing any outward signs of being anything other than preoccupied and a little bit glum?! It can be summed up in one word - Etsy! The more I look at my shop the more disheartened I get.  I keep hearing about success stories from other Team Members who have done the 'Search Engine Optimisation' module and there's nothing to suggest that I will be any different when I finish it, but I am in free fall on the old transition curve (referenced many moons ago) with no confidence left in what I am doing.   Instead of getting on with finding out what the necessary changes are, I keep looking at my viewing figures in the vain hope that they are going to magically increase just because I've taken some new photographs, when in fact the best photographs in the world won't make any difference at the moment because if I don't come up in any searches then they aren't going to be seen! The daft thing is, if there was a sudden influx of interest in my shop and heaven forbid should that lead to orders, I won't have anything to take with me to sell at my barking mad craft stall in August!

Time to get sewing, just as I need to start training for Glasgow! There may be trouble ahead....

M - 295
Glasgow - 91
Total Distance covered   702.1 miles

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