Wednesday 8 July 2015

Day 444

1.  Aaaarrrggghhhhhh!!! Everything is taking too much time!

2.  Had C taking photo's of me modelling my bags in the garden before he left for school, twelve hours later and I still haven't found time to upload them onto the computer - let alone get them onto Etsy!

3.  If I'd only kept up to my resolution to keep up to date with my finances on a daily basis, I wouldn't have had to spend the best part of this morning trying to sort them out.

4.  Judgement call this afternoon whether to sew or go to the gym.  Now I know you're thinking that really that isn't much of a contest and there's no way I would have chosen to go to the gym, and unfortunately you're right, but I am not happy that I didn't get to go - although I feel this may say more about my frustration at running out of time than my desire to exercise!

5.  Haven't found time to read my marathon book in days, not sure if this is because I've been so busy or because the next chapter's called "Fat Burning as a Way of Life" and I don't want to know the truth!

M - 292
Glasgow - 88
Total Distance covered   705.5 miles

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