Monday 6 July 2015

Day 442

1.  The trouble with having your oldest friend read your blog is that little by little the truth will out!

2.  Thus I must confess that the Barnardo's training day will not be the first time I have met Daley Thompson, as schoolfriendofMG750 and I once queued for his autograph at the opening of Olympus Sports in Glasgow.  The fact that I am now preparing to run a marathon in order to meet him may be viewed as a sign of desperation, at which point I would like to make clear that I haven't attempted to see him in the intervening thirty years!

3.  Still better be looking my best when I do... whatever works as motivation to get me to the gym!

4.  Tried so hard to be organised today and get through all the things on my to-do list.  Didn't do badly, gym and two bags made! Dougal slightly less than impressed with my new found focus - he'd to wait for Al to get home to walk him (thank you Mr L).

5.  Having a bit of a crisis of confidence over actually selling the bags once my hours and days and weeks of sewing are done.  Trying hard to keep the faith and some skin on the end of my fingers...I'd forgotten how many times I inadvertently stuck pins in myself last time I had a sewing spree.

M - 294
Glasgow - 90
Total Distance covered   702.1 miles

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