Wednesday 29 July 2015

Day 465

1.  My attempt to walk away from Etsy was interrupted by a FB message from our Team Captain reminding us that the applications were being assessed tonight so if any of our shops needed tweeking - today was the day! AAARRRGGGHHHH!!!!! How do you ignore that advice?!

2.  With my resident photographer currently in Southampton the job fell on the poor long suffering Al.  It took us a while for him to be able to see what was in my mind's eye, which was perhaps made harder by the fact that I wished to be standing with my back to the camera, but we got there in the end and are still speaking!

3.  New photo's, new shop banner and some photo's ordered to use as handout's on my stall... it's been a busy day.

4.  So much so, that I almost forgot I was poorly!

5.  What I did forget, was that I had planned on running a 5 mile race this evening! Oops! Oh well apparently it was wet - better off at home anyway!

London - 273
Glasgow - 67
Total Distance covered 763 miles

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