Friday 17 July 2015

Day 453

1.  Al's parkrun Tshirt was delivered this morning!

2.  If I didn't think I'd see the day when I was excited over a new piece of running kit, then the day when Al was, was even more incomprehensible! However... the thought of wearing it to parkrun tomorrow is enough to make him consider running despite being out celebrating the end of term this evening!

3.  29 BAGS MADE - 28 TO GO!  Finally I'm passed the half way point!

4.  Etsy have very kindly added a new statistic for my daily perusal.... Now as well as

Views - Favourites - Orders - Revenue - for today; and
Views - Favourites - Orders - Revenue - compared to the same time yesterday
we have
Views - Favourites - Orders - Revenue - compared to one year ago

The minus one in  the Favourites column for a year ago today can mean only one thing - it's been a year since my son's friend (and now girlfriend) became Etsy Favouriter! Happy Anniversary! It's been a good year with you around.

5.  This led me to have a wee read at the entry for the 17 July last year - oh dear! Apart from the training plan for Brighton I could have written it today... complaining about Etsy, not finding time to do any exercises, HMG having had enough of listening to me moan and going off on holiday to give her ears a rest! Except that HMG is now FMG and we're twice members of the half marathon club - whether we've done our cross training or not!

M - 283
Glasgow - 79
Total Distance covered   739.3 miles

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