Sunday 26 July 2015

British Summer Time

Not entirely sure what happened to my intention at the beginning of the week to regroup and re-prioritise.  I think it started well and then sort of petered out.  As it is, I can't quite shake the feeling that I've lost a week just bimbling along. I know I haven't really, but I still think I need to try harder!

In less than three weeks H will have rehearsed and performed in his next show, C will have been to Southampton, Tenerife and collected his first year A Level results, Al will have run his last parkrun in the 40-44 age group and Etsy Favouriter and I will have been to Bark In the Park! I am therefore hoping that my Sunday Special from the 16 August will be full of good news, but for my part that won't happen if I don't start putting some serious thought into my stall. (I could up the anti a little bit by saying that I will also have made a sale on Etsy, but I've just remembered that part of my regrouping was to give me a feeling of having a break - something that I don't seem to have really got to grips with!).

Perhaps picking up on my slightly deflated mood the Chief at Team Barnardo's has added a motivational banner to the bottom of her emails to me, telling me that I CAN do this! And... as an extra incentive a parcel of goodies has arrived to help spruce up my stall! 

Balloons, stickers, some (for want of a better description) police tape - but with Barnardo's on it, and some inflatable noise sticks - although I think I might give those a miss for the dog show! I may however insist that you stand hitting them as we run past in Glasgow sis, if you don't do something about putting your running shoes on and doing it with us! SchoolfriendofMG750 I have yet to think what excuse from you to avoid this particular excitement would be accepted! (Not that I want you to have to wait until October for your knee op, but crutches could do it!).

There is part of me that wants to get excited about planning my stall, how I could make it look nice, what I could put on it to entice people over to have a look, but at the same time I am a little reluctant to get excited about it, fearing a fate worse than Westival.  Looking out of the window today, I can't quite shake the feeling that we're going to be standing in a soggy field in the rain, on what should be a beautiful summer's day, wondering what on earth we're doing there!  Oh the joys of the British weather!

London - 274
Glasgow - 70
Total Distance covered 763 miles 

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