Saturday 31 January 2015


a strange day with surprising results!

No longer having to sort day care for C and H (to be fair it's been a while!) we now find ourselves having to consider what to do with the dogs if both Al and I are going to be out.  Sid is no problem, he will happily go around to my parents and spend the day being fed biscuits and curling up in the warmth of their heating always on home,  Dougal on the other hand requires a bit more exercise and entertainment and so gets sent to Doggie Daycare! (oh yes - such a thing does indeed exist!).

Dropped off by Al this morning, I had a blissful hour being able to leave food lying around without worrying that when I returned it would no longer be there, before going to pick up HMG and head up to York for the juggling convention.

The set up was a little different to Leeds, and we were asked to set up in the foyer. This was great in giving HMG and I the ideal location to sit with a cup of tea and have a long overdue catch up, but wasn't great for business, I think I painted four faces.  To be fair there weren't many children there, which also led to zero interest in our crafting activities, apart from one lucky lady who's partner was arriving home on Saturday night with one of our craft bags as a present (I think she may have preferred some cake!).

As there was no facilities for food on site, or indeed in the vicinity of the school I had wrongly assumed that we would do a roaring trade, but in reality what it meant was that everyone had brought their own supplies and our baking trade was far from brisk!

Just when all seemed to be lost, and another day was set to be written off as a fundraising fiasco, people started coming to donate money for what would otherwise have been free T-shirts! Confused to say the least, it transpired that on learning what we were doing, one very kind lady had written a note next to the T-shirts saying that donations were to be made to us! Kerching!!

That, and a trip round the hall with the baking and a begging box (thank you Al and HMG) saw us come home with a whopping and quite unbelievable eighty three pounds! A further donation by Doggie Daycare who wouldn't take payment and then gave me a further tenner on top and I've made the sixteen hundred pound mark! Whooooo Hooooooo!!! Very very happy with this, and definitely not going to let it be tainted by the fact that my cake didn't score a mention let alone a prize - heathens!

M - 465
Brighton Half - 22
Liverpool Half - 134
Glasgow Half - 246
Total Distance covered   460 miles

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