Friday 23 January 2015

Sowing seeds

How about it HMG?!

I've mentioned before that I haven't really got the hang of Twitter, but with two retweet's last night I thought it was about time that I tried!

I don't think I'm supposed to thank everyone personally who 'favourites' one of my tweets, but as the number doing so is so low, I feel I ought to show my gratitude for the fact that they've taken the time not only to read but to go one step further and do something about telling me, and everyone else who's looking that they liked it.  Trouble is it takes me so long that my window for writing this was halved by the time I was done - especially as I then felt the need to  have a look at who these 'favouriter' and more importantly 'followers' are, and before I knew it instead of writing my own blog, I'm busy reading someone else's!

Of my two ultra running twitter companions one is recovering from IT Band issues, know how that feels, but is using thirteen miles as a starting point to ease himself back into long distance, not dreaming of it as some glittering prize!  (Good luck with the recovery @alexultraruns). The other (@IraRainey) warns of seeds sown unwittingly, which grow into ideas, that eventually found him taking a train late one evening to a destination thirty something miles away so that he could run home overnight in the dark. I was at this point seriously questioning if we had anything in common until I read that on reaching home the first thing he did was turn round and head back out to go to parkrun! It wasn't quite as extreme, but there is definitely some affinity between that and getting up in, what felt like, the middle of the night to run TO parkrun!

It's been a good day. My positive mental attitude has remained with me, even through cleaning the bathroom, and I'm feeling optimistic about the four weeks between now and Brighton.  My favourite favouriter is here for tea, and I found the special somethingl I was searching the internet for yesterday.

Strangely however as the day has worn on, I have found myself in a most peculiar situation. It would appear that a little seed I didn't know would find shelter in my head has indeed got lodged in some dark crevice ideal for germination. Question is... if I look up the times of the last train to York is that tantamount to it taking root?!

M - 473
Brighton Half - 30
Liverpool Half - 142
Glasgow Half - 254
Total Distance covered   456.9 miles

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