Thursday 22 January 2015

1 Month to Brighton

I can - I am - I will!

I needed to have a very productive day today, ticking off a long list of jobs and maintaining my focus. It so didn't happen! Instead my day and mind flitted from one thing to the next never quite settling long enough to actually get on with anything.

First up there was a Twitter distraction, the likes of which I haven't seen before - TWO NEW FOLLOWERS neither of whom I know! Both ultra runners, which is a bit beyond my comprehension especially at the moment when I'm struggling to run two miles, let along fifty two, but I managed to spend at least part of the morning contemplating it! Nice to have you on board!

Next a request from someone I don't know who would like to join me to her professional network on Linked In, which is odd as I have neither a Linked In profile or a profession! I have no idea how she has got my email address and am left wondering if she's a reader (in which case hello!) or if someone else has suggested that I might be in need of her services when I read that she's a Life Coach!

At lunchtime I received a phone call from WaterAid, just to check how my fundraising and training was going for Brighton. Not sure he was prepared for either of my answers - finished my fundraising in September thanks, currently can't run at all!

Not long after an email arrives from Brighton Half, alerting me to the fact that it is a month today! Help! I hadn't made the connection at all - but it is all starting to feel alarmingly close!

Not quite so close as Chocfest however, which I know is next weekend, but I hadn't really put it in the context of no running at parkrun therefore for the next two weeks! It also means that next week is 'baking and preparing to face paint 'week, which is a shame as it is also 'start going to the gym' and 'hopefully get out running again' week!

A couple of hours lost to an internet search for a special present, yet I couldn't quite find anything I liked enough and my day had disappeared, the jobs that I absolutely had to do today undone.  Time for a pep talk from C, fresh from his motivational Team GB Seminar at the weekend. I need to change my internal dialogue! No more I can't... instead it's all about positive affirmations! But I'm not sure they count if you mumble them and are so tired that you're yawning throughout!  I did however manage to get the card made that was already overdue, make a decision on the present that will at least narrow my internet search tomorrow, and fulfil half of my chauffeuring duties this evening (thank you Al for doing the other half, despite only having just got in from a fourteen hour day at work - oh the joys of parents evening!).

I desperately need to go and get some sleep, but not before I sit up straight, shoulders back, head raised, take a deep breath and proclaim...


M - 474
Brighton Half - 31
Liverpool Half - 143
Glasgow Half - 255
Total Distance covered   456.9 miles

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