Tuesday 27 January 2015

100 Marathon Club

Any takers?!

Walking the dogs this afternoon and I caught myself in the midst of a daydream about becoming a member of the One Hundred Marathon Club - one day in the gym and apparently I think I'm ready for anything! A sharp return to reality when I realised that I'd have to live to one hundred and forty five, or ninety five, or seventy eight  - which might be doable but would mean running three marathons a year, every year, between now and then! I think I'd better stick with the One Hundred Parkrun Club - and even that milestone isn't going to happen if I don't get back out there and run. So, with very heavy legs and a somewhat painful gluteus maximus I set out on my first three mile run (and walk) in a fortnight.

It wan't easy.  I didn't enjoy having to walk, and I was very tempted to try and run the whole thing, but I forced myself to follow the advice that I'd been given and do as I was told for once! I think I should have taken a watch with me and been a bit more methodical in my intervals of walking and running, instead of just walking all the steep bits, but I made it round WITHOUT KNEE PAIN! Unlike my backside, which following yesterday's gym session is in agony and has made sitting less pleasurable than it once was! That said if it wasn't for the pain, perhaps I might have been able to convince myself that yesterday was a bad dream! Or rather a recurring nightmare as I'm due to go back tomorrow!

M - 469
Brighton Half - 26
Liverpool Half - 138
Glasgow Half - 250
Distance covered            3.1 miles
Total Distance covered   460 miles

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