Wednesday 7 January 2015

The Waiting Game

can't see it somehow!

For a while after I got up this morning I was a little concerned that when I came to do my exercises I wouldn't be able to find the 'spot' that I am, with the aid of a tennis ball, supposed to be manipulating. Oh how I almost smiled, when I actually came to doing it - the pain led me straight there! I am however now wondering if perhaps I've been a little over zealous as the designated spots now ache all by themselves without the aid of any instruments of torture! And I'm a little curious as to why running through the pain is bad yet inflicting pain upon yourself in the name of recovery is good?

Not running through the pain had something to do with the brain remembering pain and associating it with running and putting the two together next time you run whether there is actual pain or not, which I think may mean that for the rest of my life I will wince at the sight of a tennis ball!

Consequently I am not feeling quite as optimistic about the path ahead as I was when I left the biomechanics man yesterday.  It feels like a long long road ahead of me, and if, in my current state a half marathon seems almost inconceivable, then a full one definitely does!

Not allowing myself to wallow in self pity, I decided that it would be a good time to ring Barnardo's and find out a little bit more about the application and selection process to be one of their London marathon runners!  Very quick to point out that I wasn't ringing about THIS year's marathon, I spoke to a lovely lady who informs me that applications will open the day after (on 27 April).  They don't operate a first come first served basis, instead applications are looked at monthly and rated according to a point system - those that make the grade are offered a place, those that don't are rejected but can apply again in an attempt to improve their scoring.

What I forgot to ask was whether there is a limit to how many people are selected in a particular month, in which case it might be easier to 'pass' after the first flurry of interest has died down. I did spend some time today trying to weigh up the pro's and cons of waiting, but having been planning this for, what will be, a year, and having given myself over three months to write my application I have a feeling I may be one of the 27th April brigade!

M - 489
Brighton Half - 46
Liverpool Half - 158
Glasgow Half - 270
Total Distance covered   453.4 miles

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