Thursday 8 January 2015


Or alternatively Hungry Hippo's?!

Four days since I last ran, and I'm starting to get itchy feet and a very fat tummy! The first I'm taking as a sign that my legs are getting better, the second has nothing to do with not exercising since Saturday, it's been a far longer time in the making! Question is, what am I going to do about it?!

Post Nostell Priory parkrun on New Year's Day, I did decide that perhaps visualisation was the way forward.  There were a few very fit looking women amongst the crowd, in enviable running kit (and there in lies the true sign that I am an addict!)  I couldn't help but wish that I looked like them. For a few days afterwards I kept this picture in mind and tried to use it to help me cut down on the quantity of food I was consuming. To an extent it worked (if you count only having one piece of cake for pudding instead of three), but as the week has worn on (was that really only seven days ago?!) I seem to be slipping further and further away from this image of elite sportswoman and nearer and nearer comfy couch potato - or Hungry Hippo if we're sticking with the board game references!

Not that I am trying to emulate a 1950's housewife who was encouraged to make herself look nice for her husband returning from work, but poor Al has come home all week to find me looking a bit like a living version of 'Misfits' (if you remember the game?) as if the three sections of my body belong to three different people. My top half is fairly smart, my bottom half is in it's pyjamas, and because I'm cold my head and shoulders are dressed for the outdoors with a scarf round my neck!

Unable to run, I decided this morning that it was time to 'think myself thin' - I was never going to feel like an athlete if I was dressed like a slob. Not quite prepared to spend the day walking round in my running kit going nowhere, I did at least put my pyjama bottoms in the wash basket and make a bit more of an effort to match my top and bottom halves! Which was just as well as we had a most welcome surprise visit from Etsy Favouriter this lunchtime!

Walking back home after taking the dogs out this afternoon and I did begin to wonder if it was all just too much like hard work! I could happily eat my way up another half stone instead of trying to starve myself down three quarters!

But then as I said at the start, my legs are getting restless and I know that my days of dieting and exercise aren't done with yet, whether I ever reach my visual goal remains to be seen, but for now my pjyama days are over - at least until I've done the washing!

M - 488
Brighton Half - 45
Liverpool Half - 157
Glasgow Half - 269
Total Distance covered   453.4 miles

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