Thursday 29 January 2015



I am completely done with the weather.  The weather app showed snowfall overnight, which raised everyone's hopes of a day off school today, and put my attendance at the funeral of a close friend's mum in question. The overnight snow didn't come, disappointing all three of my boys and making me miss them all the more, but the early morning snow arrived as forecast, played havoc with the roads, gridlocked the traffic and led to the decision that driving to the funeral wasn't worth the risk.  But I wanted to be there, and I'm sorry that I wasn't, right decision or otherwise.

Busy morning baking for my cake stall at the weekend, and also my entry for the legendary Chocfest chocolate cake competition. Having spent last week perfecting my Quinoa cake I had high hopes for it at least scoring a mention on Saturday night. Not to be however, unless I get time to bake another - whilst on the phone to the boiler company and giving them my credit card details so they can deduct two hundred and sixty pounds out of my account, if the reason the boiler is dripping water into the kitchen isn't the same fault as last time - Dougal snuck in and ate the cake!

Feeling thoroughly fed up I went for a walk hoping that I might be able to walk off my glum mood in the winter sunshine.  Half way round and the weather changed, the sky darkened and before we knew it we were being blasted by horizontal hailstones, whilst watching the clouds whip across the sky chasing down what little bit of blue there was, until we were caught in the middle of a blizzard with visibility down to about twenty feet.  By the time we got home however it had moved on, and the sky was once again blue.

I love watching the sky, knowing that even when it's grey and miserable there is blue behind just waiting for a chance to show it's face, and I think that what's today was trying to show me. Things might feel a bit difficult at the moment but they will pass, we've just got to hold on to our belief that better times are on their way, and weather the storm in the meantime.

On arriving home, I spotted our first flower of the year in the garden. One solitary snowdrop peaking up above the snow.  Decided that it might make a nice photograph for my blog, a sign that spring is on it's way, and it would have done, if, whilst investigating what I was up to, Dougal hadn't trodden on it! Pointer anyone?!

M - 467
Brighton Half - 24
Liverpool Half - 136
Glasgow Half - 248
Total Distance covered   460 miles

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