Wednesday 28 January 2015


Finding what it takes...

Tired having been up since four with the dogs, worried about the snow that was forecast during the day (but didn't arrive), exceptionally busy baking for Chocfest on Saturday and in need of making a card so I can get an overdue gift off in the post, I found myself making all manner of excuses as to why I didn't have the time to go to the gym today, but on the other hand I knew that I had to go. It was as much about a statement of intent as anything else.  I had to prove to myself that I could do it, however much I didn't want to.

Gym program printed out I discovered that there were a couple of things on there that I couldn't remember doing - either I have erased the memory or they paled into insignificance next to the other exercises! Message requesting clarification fired off to the Biomechanics Man all I could do was sit and wait.... unfortunately he replied almost immediately and that was that excuse blown out of the water! In the end it was the (wrongly) forecast heavy snow shower early afternoon that made me just get on with it and go this morning.

I can't say I enjoyed it, but I'm glad I went.  Still hate the rope waggle, and had to suffer the humiliation of pushing the Geoff Capes past a fit looking woman on a cross trainer, but hey she might not have looked quite so flash if she was moving the equivalent of two sacks of dog food along the floor!

It was hard forcing myself to stick to the full number of sets and repetitions per set, but I'm proud to say I didn't cheat! Not for the first time I wished that I could afford to have a personal trainer there every time I go, but perhaps finding the willpower to make me do it is an important part of it too.

There are three quotes adorning one of the walls, one from Arnold Schwarzenegger (really?), another from Rocky Balboa (who isn't even real!) and finally one that I can relate to....

First title fight - The Brighton Half Marathon Finisher!

M - 468
Brighton Half - 25
Liverpool Half - 137
Glasgow Half - 249
Total Distance covered   460 miles

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