Sunday 18 January 2015


Write my blog rather than get on with my jobs - me?! 

I had an unexpected lie in until half eight this morning (but it doesn't really count as I was awake at quarter to one having two text conversations, the first with my friend who is in hospital and couldn't sleep, the second with C who, after reading my blog, thought he'd better get in touch to tell me he had arrived in Manchester!) followed by a difficult day.

I am not enjoying not being able to run.  Parkrun I can just about cope with, hearing about my friends long Sunday morning jaunts around our favourite routes HMG is proving to be a lot harder! I am so envious and so wish that I'd been able to join them this morning. One Saturday not at parkrun and I feel cut off and out of the loop, which is ridiculous! Thinking about it I actually I felt much the same reading that my friend who lives two hundred miles away ran eleven miles yesterday!  I JUST WANT IT TO BE ME TOO!!

Been a week without any of my normal routine and I need to get myself organised to hit the ground running tomorrow, if only in the literary sense! Which is why I think I'm hiding by writing this instead! I'm not quite ready to pick myself up or pull myself round, and think I deserve some more time wallowing in my own self pity - especially after H inadvertently dropped something really heavy on my my toe last night! Badly bruised but I think unbroken!

Trouble is, self pity doesn't actually get me anywhere.  I need to remember how I'm feeling now to motivate myself into doing everything I can to get back to where I want to be! I need to find some positive mental attitude from somewhere and fast!

I need to set myself some non running related goals to achieve whilst my body does it's repair work, like raising the seventy pounds I need to take me to the fifteen hundred pound marker! Time, me thinks, to write last week's untouched 'To Do' list into this week's plan and get going, but I may just have a cup of tea and 'last' piece of cake to mark the end of my old ways before I start!

M - 478
Brighton Half - 35
Liverpool Half - 147
Glasgow Half - 259
Total Distance covered   456.9 miles

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