Friday 9 January 2015


Everything's falling apart!

With hindsight I think it's all for the best that I fell asleep before getting the chance to write this actually on Friday - it was definitely a day where my glass was half empty!

Strong winds overnight had lifted a couple of panels out of the greenhouse, to add to the one that broke the night before.  H came outside to find me standing on the garden wall surveying the damage, the wind having just caught my skirt a là Marilyn Munroe, yet with none of the style of the iconic image and instead a mental picture of his mother standing in her tights that I'm sure he will be quick to eradicate! Panels safely in the garage it was time to get H to school and the dogs to the woods to meet my friend.

Pain free since going to see the Biomechanics Man on Tuesday, I was very disappointed when half way around our walk my left knee started to complain. having so hoped that it was getting better.  If I can't manage four miles walking, how will I ever be able to run three in less than a week's time, and if I can't run on Thursday then how will I ever be ready for Brighton?

Came home to find glass all over the patio as another pane had fallen - thankfully it's toughened glass and therefore dog friendly (it's almost like we foresaw it happening!) but it 'explodes' into so many pieces that it looks at first glance that the whole thing was down.

However it wasn't until I phoned Al at lunchtime to tell him the glad tidings that I discovered quite how desolate I was feeling! Poor man!  Quite what he was supposed to do with the information about the greenhouse whilst he was at work, or deal with his wife who was behaving like the end of the world was nigh I'm not sure... but information dumped on him I set about trying to salvage something of the afternoon.

I think I knew at the time, and definitely do with the benefit of hindsight, that none of it is that important in the grand scheme of things.  It will all get sorted in time, whether or not I ever find any rhyme or reason for it happening in the first place, but I'll mull it over for a while yet just in case anything should come to light!

One thing it isn't is some grand conspiracy to make my life rubbish, some days are just harder than others. However one thing it has done is push the price per home grown tomato up considerably - it may be many years before we ever see any return on investment especially if the same thing happens next year!

M - 487
Brighton Half - 44
Liverpool Half - 156
Glasgow Half - 268
Total Distance covered   453.4 miles

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