Sunday 11 January 2015

One Hundred and Eighty!!!!

I've hit the jackpot!

Having worked out that I want to run but I don't want to train, my mind set to work to see which other areas of my life followed the same pattern. First up when I thought of hobbies was knitting - wool bought last Christmas, knitting (that I enjoy) finished a couple of months ago, sewing up (that I don't enjoy) not done!

So in an attempt to prove that I CAN apply myself to tasks that I don't want to do, and to try to stop my mind from disecting any more of my life, I fetched the various pieces out of the cupboard and set about sewing it up into a jumper. All good so far...

Trouble was that for whilst the pieces remained as separate parts I didn't have to acknowledge the inevitable that they are too small, once constructed into an actual item of clothing the truth was harder to escape! I'm also not entirely convinced that it suits me - which is odd given that the model in the photograph is at least twenty years younger than me and a completely different body shape! Still it was enough to compound my feelings of fat and almost saw me retreat back into my pyjamas for the rest of the day.

I'm not in a particularly good head space at the moment and know that I am going to have to pull myself round sooner or later, but I'm not sure how to do it.  I think part of my problem lies in the fact that the only people I socialise with on a regular basis are runners, of the turn up religiously every week addicted variety! Thankfully the post run chat hasn't ever got as far a calories, but none of them seem to have yo-yoing weight issues whereas I can bounce from one extreme to the other, either being extremely disciplined in what I eat, or showing no restraint whatsoever!

Perhaps then, what I need is a change of perspective! However, a new group of friends seems a bit drastic, and actively seeking out people with a similar exercise ethic to mine, in an attempt to feel better about my laziness, seems somewhat counter-intuitive and I'm guessing not particularly proactive... but an evening spent glued to the BDO Darts final?! Drama, tension, excitement (yes really schoolfriendofMG750) and a realisation that in certain circle I'm positively svelte!

M - 485
Brighton Half - 42
Liverpool Half - 154
Glasgow Half - 266
Total Distance covered   453.4 miles

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