Tuesday 20 January 2015


If only weight loss was as easy as shredding paperwork!

All very exciting last night after I published my blog - a 'retweet' from Marathon Man, and 'favourited' by three people I don't know! One of whom is the co-founder of UKRunChat! Thank you so much for your moral support (I'll thank you in person just as soon as I work out how!).

In stark contrast today has been incredibly boring! Recognising that it's more than just my body that needs to get in shape, I've been trying to sort the paperwork!

It's been a bit of a mammoth task and I haven't finished yet, but once bulging files are now streamlined and up to date after a couple of years of neglect!  It was a relief to find that not only are both cars still insured but I now know by whom! Some of the files were quick to go through (it didn't take long to sort the one payslip from last year that Al has managed to bring home!) others, and one in particular, has caused a bit of a stumbling block.

If I were to label it perhaps 'one day' would describe it best.  Magazine cuttings, flyers, promotional material and recipes all kept for some unspecified day in the future when I am going to have enough time or inclination to look at, let alone action. I'm not sure which is worse, Al keeping nothing or me hording everything yet not doing anything with the stuff I keep.

It's hard going, seeing all my unfulfilled dreams and ideas bundled up together, yet awash with my new found determination to break the cycle I've been going round and round for longer than I care to admit, it's time to either action, file for future reference, or bin.

Trouble is the only thing I am really awash with this evening is tiredness, or as my friend has just posted on Facebook, exhaustipation - when you're too tired to give a sh*t!

M - 476
Brighton Half - 33
Liverpool Half - 145
Glasgow Half - 257
Total Distance covered   456.9 miles

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