Saturday 10 January 2015

Cross Training

Has the penny finally dropped?!

Not sure whether it was the large number of volunteers, or my previous mishaps with both the timing and scanning that saw me given the job of marshal at parkrun this morning. Very windy and slightly on the chilly side, I stood and tried my best to encourage the runners as they ran past, wishing I was one of them, not least because then I would be warm!

It's a strange job, some people take time to acknowledge you as they run past, some thank you afterwards, some you can almost see scowl as your 'well done' is received with a look of 'can't you see I'm having a bad run!', others wouldn't know if you were standing there or not! It has to be said that few looked like they were enjoying it, and one lady in particular looked downright miserable! Enough to make you wonder what on earth we do it for?! Thankfully sitting round the table at SC's gorgeous home later (not previously referenced as Style Consultant for nothing!) enjoying tea, coffee, teacakes, bagels, home made jam and the best ever lemon curd, it started to make much more sense!

Not surprisingly what was also apparent from watching those running this morning, is that the fastest runners are the ones who look the fittest! Consequently if I want to get faster....

I know I've mentioned it before but it's taking a while to sink in - I am going to have to cross train. Mrs Motivator, pointed out this morning that she's told me all of this before, but I think it's one of those things that until you have actually made the connection for yourself it is all just words. However now that it is starting to register, I find myself in a position which if I'd worked out before I started, I may not have decided to run a marathon!

I don't want to cross train. I am inherently lazy and don't want to do it, yet without it I can't run at the speed or distance that I want to.  I guess this is how C feels who needs to increase his fitness to play Underwater Hockey for GB and now finds himself having to accompany us on a Saturday morning!

I need to make the most of this week of simple exercises and twice daily tennis ball torture sessions whilst it lasts! I have a feeling things may be about to move up a level!

M - 486
Brighton Half - 43
Liverpool Half - 155
Glasgow Half - 267
Total Distance covered   453.4 miles

Thinking of you HMG xxx

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