Monday 12 January 2015

Reversed Psychology

From 'Can' to 'Can't' and back again!

Lovely weekend with Al, and I really didn't want him to go back to work this morning -  luckily I have C at home for company (great thing study leave!) although he spent the majority of the day hiding in his room.  So when I didn't want to walk the dogs this afternoon it seemed liked the best place to go hide too!

Unconvinced of my plan, he skipped trying to use any of his words of wisdom (although with another Team GB Motivational Seminar at the weekend that could all change next week!) and went for the physically removing me option.  I'd like to think that I put up a reasonable fight, but it wasn't long before he had pushed me out of his room, across the landing and perilously close to the top of the stairs, thankfully he stopped short of actually pushing me down them (I told you it was going in my blog!) and with no where left to go the only option was to don my waterproofs and wellies - again - and take the dogs out.

Always a good time for me to process my random thoughts into something more coherent, I'm glad I went as I came home with a much clearer head about the way forward!

On Wednesday I am going for a small investigative procedure to have a look at the inner workings of my digestive system, tomorrow I have the pleasure of drinking a solution that will clear the way and for the past two days I have been eating what is referred to as a low residue diet to aid the process!  I am not allowed to eat any vegetables (which isn't easy for a vegetarian) or any wholemeal or fibrous food including fruit. Basically I'm left with white bread, pasta, cheese, cake and biscuits, and I don't want any of it! All I want to eat is an apple - which is seriously out of character!

This is undoubtedly reverse psychology - I want what I can't have - and it got me thinking that perhaps instead of surrounding myself with my friends and family who have been supportive of my endeavours, I should solicit the opinion of some people who don't like me and don't think I can do this with a view to instilling in me a 'I'll show them' attitude!  However not actually ever wanting to have contact with said individuals again I am hoping I can do this by proxy! Thankfully my head carries around enough nonsense for this to be a viable option, and I think I might be on to something!

Certainly when Al comes home and takes Dougal out for five miler and my running ban isn't lifted until Thursday, it is ALL I want to do! So perhaps that's it - I have to imagine that I'm being surrounded by CAN'T and I'll damn well show you I CAN!

M - 484
Brighton Half - 41
Liverpool Half - 153
Glasgow Half - 265
Total Distance covered   453.4 miles

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