Thursday 15 January 2015

There's good news...

and there's bad news - so which do you want first?!

Lets start with the bad... my three mile test run was not a success.  It started off fine, legs felt OK, a few twinges in my shins but nothing really of note, however just after two miles and at the end of a downhill section, my left knee stiffened and that was it.  The good news is that my right leg was fine so I'm half way to being fixed!

Had a lovely dog walk with HMG afterwards and for whilst hobbling round Brighton was never our goal, neither was finishing in a particular time. We always said this one was about 'just finishing' and are trying our best to remain optimistic about it.  It is just such a shame that we won't reach Brighton at our peak, especially as we were doing so well before Christmas, but hey the longer it takes us the more chance we'll have to chat! Wave as you pass us sisterofMG750 - we're preparing ourselves for your "well you can over train" comments! Alternatively perhaps we should get ourselves a pair of comedy tap or toilet costumes HMG and go as fun runners, or tie our poorly legs together and run a three legged race at which point you'll pretend not to know us as you pass sis!

I think I may have been a little naive thinking our training was all going to go to plan, and it looks like my recovery isn't going to either, but this evening sitting writing this I actually don't care - I may even have a lie in on Saturday morning and MISS PARKRUN!

If I'm not yet fit to run, then my body obviously still needs time to repair and what better way to do that but with sleep and recovery cake! (First attempt didn't quite go according to plan either, but was tasty enough to warrant a second attempt tomorrow!) There's a lot of sugar and cocoa for something that is supposed to be healthy but I'm sure the quinoa cancels that out!

M - 481
Brighton Half - 38
Liverpool Half - 150
Glasgow Half - 262
Distance covered               3.5 miles
Total Distance covered   456.9 miles

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