Wednesday 14 January 2015


Am I glad that's over!

There really isn't much to say about today, except that I wish I'd taken the option of a sedative! But it would have been a shame to miss out on firstly being asked if I wanted to watch ("err that would be a no" or words to that effect) and secondly being taken into the recovery ward post procedure, told to lie on my side with my knees up towards my chest and expel as much air as I could! Too much information? Sorry! But I've clearly already lost what little dignity I had left!

Good news is that I got the all clear, which begs the question of what is causing the dietary issues, but not to worry I can discuss this at my follow up appointment on the 5 May!

Tired and a little washed out this evening, I'm hoping that a hot bath, early to bed and a good night's sleep will see me feeling better in the morning - hope so! Three mile tester run tomorrow if I feel up to it, and plans to bake a quinoa chocolate recovery cake whether I run or not! Not sure this is quite what you had in mind sis when you told me to go binge!

M - 482
Brighton Half - 39
Liverpool Half - 151
Glasgow Half - 263
Total Distance covered   453.4 miles

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