Saturday 17 January 2015

Sod's Law

Can't sleep when I've got the opportunity, all I want to do when I don't!

During the week when Al leaves for work, more often than not I am dead to the world, or at least holding on to the last five minutes before I have to get up and get on with my day, this morning when I've opted for, and worked hard to facilitate, a lie in I'm awake an hour earlier than normal!

When I was getting up extra early on a Saturday morning to run with HMG, I would just get up and go without too much thought to what the boys would do without me (err just get on with things?!) however because I was going to be at home this morning I seemed to think they wouldn't be able to cope without my input and went to great lengths to see that they were all sorted for the morning, especially C who is going away for the weekend, so that by the time I went to bed last night I had organised everyone as much as I could and the path was clear for my long lie.

Unfortunately things didn't quite go according to plan. I woke earlier than usual, a fundraiser fiasco apparently being my subconscious entertainment last night! Once awake my mind started fixating on all sorts of things that didn't need to be thought about today AT ALL, let alone at half six this morning.  Next there was the weather to check on - had it snowed? Would parkrun be on? Would C make it to Manchester? None of the answers to which actually made any difference to my morning but nevertheless I couldn't settle till I knew!

Quick check on FB - fellow parkrunner had looked outside, couldn't see any snow but the weather app was telling her a different story! There then followed a steady stream of snow reports from other FB friends -"snowing here" - "and here" - "none here yet!"- and I was gripped! In the end parkrun was cancelled at which point Al came back to bed and promptly fell straight back to sleep! How does that work?!

Many hours later and I still don't know if C made it to Manchester, but apparently that's not enough to keep me awake in the middle of the afternoon! As soon as I'm too busy to snooze, it is all that I want to do.  Perhaps sleep is one of those things you can't plan, a bit like running a PB! As soon as you start to think about it, it's gone (not that I've been close to mine in a very long time!) and I obviously over thought my lie in this morning, oh well you live and learn.

It's not surprising really when it's been over a year since I last attempted one on a Saturday morning, although given that there's every chance it will be another year before I try again, and in all probability longer till I PB, it obviously isn't worth loosing any sleep over!

M - 479
Brighton Half - 36
Liverpool Half - 148
Glasgow Half - 260
Total Distance covered   456.9 miles

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