Saturday 3 January 2015

Going Backwards

I am a fool! And only have myself to blame!

HMG and I set off for a four mile run to parkrun and my right leg wasn't happy, it did however seem to get better as we warmed up and a mile or so in I was feeling OK.  However after a long down hill stretch it was a different story - only this time the problem was with my left knee. Never mind, flat stretch to get us to parkrun and we made it in a time that we were both happy with, given our injuries and the fact that we haven't done any long distance for a while.

Parkrun started OK, but mainly because it was uphill! Then slowly started to unravel, to the point where I felt like I was running backwards as the number of people overtaking me increased! It wasn't a sensation I am particularly familiar with and I didn't like it very much! Severely hampered on the down hill stretches and only marginally better on the uphill I finished over four minutes slower than I usually do, which considering I usually gauge my performance in a band of about twenty seconds is quite a drop. (Thank you for checking if I was OK after seeing the results fellow parkrunner!)

In an attempt to help somebody else to achieve their fundraising goal, HMG and I rushed off post run to go to a charity fitness class.  It was quite easily one of the most bizarre hour's we have ever spent doing an odd selection of lunges, core stability work, and more lunges, rounded off with a game of dodge ball (which we didn't join in with - sometimes injuries come in very handy!). Having informed the instructor that we were suffering from IT Band Syndrome, his first suggestion was that we put our arms across each others shoulders and do the lunge walk across the gym attached to each other for additional stability - which might have worked well if we hadn't been laughing so hard! Seeing our attempts he then pulled us out of the 'class' altogether, showed us an IT Band stretch against the wall and then left us there, with our legs tied in knots, whilst the rest of the class continued with their lunge work. We left still unsure as to what the purpose of the hour really was, other than perhaps to sign up to join some protein drink diet (who just happened to be sponsoring the fundraising!).

I am still determined to make it to both the start AND finish line in Brighton in seven weeks time, and have every faith that the Biomechanics Man will be able to patch me up to get me there, but finishing in good enough shape to start training for my second half marathon will be an altogether bigger challenge! Why, oh why, oh why did I not listen to him in the first place and do my exercises? And can I REALLY change my habits and start listening to, and more importantly following advice that I don't like?! Hmmm a topic for another day me thinks!

In the meantime WELL DONE Al and KS on completing your fiftieth parkrun's this morning... I'm only sorry I was so far behind that I didn't get to share in any of the finish line euphoria! But hey coffee and cake next weekend to celebrate sounds like a good alternative!

M - 493
Brighton Half - 50
Glasgow Half - 274
Distance covered               7.2 miles  
Total Distance covered   453.4 miles

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