Friday 2 January 2015

A new approach

And a new 'to do' list! 

A while ago someone (I think it was schoolfriendofMG750) 'liked' a post on Facebook, which went something along the lines of

"I can't make any plans for 2015, I haven't finished what I was doing in 2014, which I started in 2013, having planned in 2012 and first mentioned in 2011....."

This had also been 'liked' by several thousand other FB users for whom it struck a chord and filled me with hope that I am not alone! The unfortunate truth is however, that there are jobs on my 'to do' list which actually go further back than that!

I can't blame lack of time for all of them, some I clearly don't want to do, even if I had all the time in the world! What I need to decide is whether after all this time they actually NEED doing, in which case get on with it, or strike them off the list, stop berating myself for my lack of motivation, and get over it!

A third of the way through my two year marathon plan and over two thirds of my fundraising done, I think a slight change of pace or at least priority is called for! Part of me wants to carry on, full steam ahead with the fundraising to get to my two thousand pound target as quickly as possible, and in advance of my application to Barnardo's, another part of me wants to acknowledge that all my hard work fundraising has come at a cost and I need to take a step back and take a slightly more pragmatic approach this year.

Hobbling round the fields with Al and the dogs today it was clear that my legs are in a bit of mess, my hips hurt and my knees really didn't want to walk down hill! If I don't start making getting into better shape top priority then I won't be running anywhere irrespective of how much money I have managed to raise!

Besides which all this planning is all very well but I am actually still on my holidays so had decided to give myself to the start of next week to laze around guilt free on the sofa in the name of rest and recuperation, when it dawned on me that it's Saturday tomorrow which can only mean one thing!
See you in the morning HMG!

M - 494
Brighton Half - 51
Glasgow Half - 275
Total Distance covered   446.2 miles

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