Tuesday 13 January 2015


Anyone got a boat?!

I think after two hundred and sixty seven posts, you are all well aware that I don't always follow through with what I say I am going to do and, dear readers, you might be excused for thinking that I'm full of brown stuff. Oh but how wrong you would be.... no food at all today and (I kid you not) two litres (or for my American friends just over half a gallon) of laxative have put paid to that idea!

It's been a difficult day, in a difficult week, and when I sat with HMG this morning I don't think either of us could have envisaged just quite how low we would be feeling at this point, for similar and very different reasons.

I'm not feeling particularly well this evening, but I am feeling a little philosophical - it is forty days to Brighton, and possibly forty nights (I haven't counted) here's hoping it doesn't rain for all of them, but I can't help feeling somewhat desolate and wishing that things were different.  I'm not sure that Brighton awaits us like an oasis from the storm, but much as we feel like we're drowning at the moment, we will hit dry land HMG - promise!

In the words of Noah and the Whale L.I.F.E.G.O.E.S.O.N - the weather will get warmer, the days will get longer, Spring will come and who knows maybe even summer, our legs will repair and get stronger and we will see you in Brighton sisterofMG750 where a tapas bar and bottle of Rioja awaits us whether any of the above have happened yet or not!

M - 483
Brighton Half - 40
Liverpool Half - 152
Glasgow Half - 264
Total Distance covered   453.4 miles

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