Monday 26 January 2015

What have I done?!

I want my previous life back!

HUGE excitement last night - a reply to my blog from the podcast man! Equally huge crash back down to earth this morning when it started to dawn on me that all the blog readers and Twitter followers in the world were not going to be able to help me with the next part of my campaign, there is no one who can do this next bit for me, and I suddenly felt very small and very alone. Except that I wasn't.  The Biomechanics Man was waiting for me at the gym with my program all ready for me - nothing else for it but to bite the bullet and start!

I should perhaps point out that the gym is a far cry from anything you will have ever seen in a hotel, or sports complex, and is instead in an old mill with lots of space and although there are some conventional pieces of gym equipment I didn't get anywhere near them!

The benefit of having my gym program written by my biomechanics coach is that he knows exactly what I need to do, the bad bit is that this involved starting off with a bit of tennis ball rolling! If I felt ungainly on my bedroom floor, it's nothing to how I felt doing it in public! Worse was to come with some strange squat crab move, where I had to maneuver myself across the floor sideways whilst maintaining a squat - this might work wonders for setting me up for my exercises but did nothing for my self esteem!

Squats whilst holding a kettle bell, pelvic lifts with my feet on a stool, a strange pulling myself up using some straps exercise, an equally alien core strengthening thing, some one legged balancing act that I couldn't do for toffee, a side to side over a step which should have been easy but made me feel extremely unfit, all finished off with some hideous rope waggling, where I wasn't strong enough to get the wave to the end of the rope and the car push... only it wasn't a car but some custom built piece of ironwork which I had to push along the length of the gym and back again, like some contestant on Worlds Strongest Man and from here on in I shall think of as the Geoff Capes exercise!

I don't think the Biomechanics Man has ever had anyone turn up for their induction with less enthusiasm, nor look at him with such an expression of disdain bordering on hatred (and here was me thinking a Sports Massage was the top tool in his torture repertoire!). Like I said as I left, I may thank him one day, but not today, and certainly not tomorrow when I try to get out of bed!

Shell shocked I returned home, put on some period drama and caught up on my emails from the of wool and fabric. Marathon girl?! Is it too late to change my mind? I think I'd rather be Knitting Woman!

M - 470
Brighton Half - 27
Liverpool Half - 139
Glasgow Half - 251
Total Distance covered   456.9 miles

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